
Bullfighting and Barbarism

Arguments Against Bullfighting

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Bullfighting and Barbarism A Blood Sport in Decline It seems odd that we still argue as to whether bullfighting is either ethical or does not constitute cruelty to the animal. Those who advocate bullfighting often&hellip

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Why do poachers kill animals?

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In general, poaching is defined as the illegal hunting, killing or capture of animals in the wild. The term poaching comes into play in these situations as they are termed illegal: When the hunter does&hellip

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Why do eagles fly alone?

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Eagles belong to a class of called ‘raptors’ more colloquially referred to as birds of prey. Raptors are amongst the most majestic creatures in sky, they have been studied for centuries in the development on&hellip

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Why do beavers have orange teeth?

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The North American Beaver is the largest rodents inhabiting North American territories, another species of beaver is also found in some parts of Europe, called the Eurasian Beaver. They are herbivores and generally prefer maple,&hellip

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Why do iguanas have a third eye?

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Why do iguanas have a third eye? There is diversity in animal life. And each and every single unique and exceptional quality makes each animal different from one another. Most people might not know about&hellip

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Why is amoeba not a prokaryote?

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Amoebas are the first unicellular organisms to walk, rather crawl this earth and are the simplest unicellular organisms. Organisms are generally classified into groups based on their physical appearance, number of cells, types of reproduction&hellip

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Why is transpiration important ?

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Why is transpiration important ? Transpiration means the loss of water through evaporation and refers to trees specially. Question might arise that why the transpiration is important. Transpiration is important for both humans as well&hellip

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Why is myelin sheath important?

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Why is myelin sheath important? Human body is a creation of the greatest scientists of all. And every single part of its body has its own activity and importance. There are a lot of details&hellip

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Why do cobras spit venom?

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Why do cobras spit venom? Cobras are one of the most fearsome species of snake in the world. Partly this is because of their venomous bite. Cobras, when they bite, have neurotoxic venom, which can&hellip

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Why Do Porcupines Have Quills?

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Porcupines have quills as its evolutionary defensive mechanism against predators and threats. The presence of quills on is skin primarily deter a predator from touching and physically harming the porcupine. These also play a significant&hellip

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Why Do Beagles Howl?

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Beagles howl because they are hunting dogs and do so as a reaction to certain stimuli or to express themselves. To explain it in the simplest way, beagles like to howl. As hunting hounds, beagles&hellip

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Why do elks have antlers?

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The elks are the largest members of the deer family. Elks are usually found in prairie regions, and can usually adapt to different ecosystems. Their most characteristic features by far are the antlers protruding from&hellip

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Why Do Ice Dams Form?

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Ice dams form for different reasons depending on the location of their formation. Glaciers flowing down valleys can block the flow of unfrozen rivers, creating ice dam lakes. Rivers in a cold climate can sometimes&hellip

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Why do trees shed leaves?

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Just like we prepare for winter, trees make their own preparations. Rather than layering up with dozens of fabrics they follow the same principle of hibernation a bear follows, that is the conservation of his&hellip

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Why do flies land on people?

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Flies can be really bothersome. No matter how much you shoo them away, they always seem intent to return to you. It is as if they are somehow fascinated by you, very much like a&hellip

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Why do houseplants turn yellow?

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Most plants have green leaves ranging from light green color to very dark hues. When these plants are in their natural environment, most of them will thrive and stay healthy despite the harshest of conditions.&hellip

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Why do crickets turn white?

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Crickets are insects that belong to the Gryllidae family and are related to the family of grasshoppers. What makes them distinct is that the sound they emit when sliding their wings against each other.  These&hellip

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Why Do Donkeys Kick?

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Donkeys have been domesticated for as long as memory and records can reveal. They have provided numerous invaluable services to humans, particularly carrying loads. These animals have also been domesticated for the mere fact that&hellip

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Why Do Gophers Hibernate?

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The two key species of gophers are the Richardsons ground squirrel and the pocket gopher. There have been questions on whether all species of gophers hibernate. Even though this has not been conclusively stated by&hellip

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Why do betta fish fight?

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Betta fish is also referred to as the fighting fish because it is commonly seen fighting with other fish of the same species. Aquarium keepers and fish lovers need not get this idea from an&hellip

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Why Do Flowers Wilt?

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The beauty of a flower is evident when it is flourishing and flamboyantly depicting good health. It is however disappointing to have such great looking flowers in a place, only to check back later and&hellip

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Why Do Cut Flowers Die?

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Flowering plants, just like any other living organism on this planet, need nutrients and certain minerals in order to grow and be able to survive. In the case of plants, the nutrients needed for their&hellip

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Why are owls considered wise?

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Owls are very popular species of birds because of their huge eyes and their so-called reputation of being very smart and wise. Birds in general are thought to be very intelligent with some species thought&hellip

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Why do bunnies thump?

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Many people have seen their pet rabbits or bunnies thump their legs but most of them don’t know why this is so.  Some bunnies are known to some thumping action while being left alone or&hellip

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