Science & Tech

Why is excel so important

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Why is excel so important Excel is one of the most popularly used electronic spreadsheet program worldwide. It is frequently used by various sectors like businesses or corporations, volunteer groups, students, teachers, researchers, scientists, accountants,&hellip

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Why is mitosis important?

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Mitosis is the scientific and biological process that involves the separation of one single cell, thereby producing two identical sets of cells, each of which contains a nucleus. After following a certain specific cycle that&hellip

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Why do arrays start at zero?

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Why do arrays start at zero? Arrays are series of elements that have the same type, placed in adjacent positions. The elements can be individually used or utilized by attaching and index to a certain&hellip

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Why do burns smell?

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Why do burns smell? Burning, scientifically named as combustion, is a series of chemical reactions that occur between a fuel and an oxidant, in the presence of heat. As this process occurs, chemical compounds and&hellip

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Why do texts get delayed?

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Why do texts get delayed? Text messaging or simply texting is described as the exchange of written messages on one’s mobile phone towards another person via a recognized network. The sender of a text message&hellip

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Why do gifs load slowly?


Why do gifs load slowly? GIFs or Graphic Interchange Format is one type of format in images that was first introduced by a company named CompuServe during the early 1987. The use of the GIF&hellip

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Why do reactions stop?

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Why do reactions stop? Reaction is a broad word that can be associated with various concepts and meanings. In the literal sense of the word, reaction refers to a response to any given stimuli such&hellip

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Why is vanadium important?

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Why is vanadium important? Vanadium is a transition metal belonging to group VB in the periodic table. It has symbol as ‘V’ and has atomic number as 23. Its atomic mass is 50.9415. This metal&hellip

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Why is net neutrality bad?

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Why is net neutrality bad? When talking about any form of network like telephone service, cable television network, or internet, network neutrality is very important aspect to be dealt with. If the network we are&hellip

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Why is zoning important?

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Why is zoning important? Zoning is similar to the town planning map which indicates that an activity has to take place at a particular location. Here the zoning of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is&hellip

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Why is Genetic Diversity important?

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Why is Genetic Diversity important? Genetic diversity is one aspect of biodiversity. While biodiversity is defined as the level at which variations exist within a given life form such as in ecosystems and habitats, genetic&hellip

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Why do Moles appear?

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Why do Moles appear? Moles are typically seen as small dot-like features that can be found in various parts of the human body. As a discolored spot, it may be flat or in elevation and&hellip

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Why is Hulu so slow?

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Why is Hulu so slow? The server of this site called was found to become slow when more people are connected to the server to watch the videos. The problem of the site server&hellip

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Why is Biomass important?

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Why is Biomass important? Biomass is a term that highly refers to materials, particularly living materials, which are converted to a usable form of energy. The type of materials that are most likely being used&hellip

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Why is Perpetual Motion impossible?

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Why is Perpetual Motion impossible? Perpetual motion is one concept that is mostly associated to the hypothetical idea of operating machines without having to stop, that produces more work and energy without typically consuming much.&hellip

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Why is NF3 Polar?

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Why is NF3 Polar? NF3 is the chemical representation for the compound nitrogen trifluoride. This inorganic compound possesses characteristics of being colorless, toxic, odorless, and nonflammable gas substance. Nitrogen trifluoride is most commonly used in&hellip

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Why is Ibuprofen bad?

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Why is Ibuprofen bad? Ibuprofen is one medication that is widely sold in the pharmaceutical stores and markets. This drug is known to have a variety of functions and is categorized as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory&hellip

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Why is Nervous System important?

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Why is Nervous System important? The nervous system is comprised of organs that perform essential specific functions, which are distinct from each other. The nervous system is one of the most vital and critical systems&hellip

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Why do Vitamins make you nauseous?

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Why do Vitamins make you nauseous? Most of the competitive endurance athletes say that multi-vitamins cause dietary deficiencies. They seem to face the problem of nausea and stomach upset whenever they take multivitamins along with&hellip

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Why is Explorer slow?

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Why is Explorer slow? Formerly known as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer is an operating system developed by Microsoft to provide a series of graphical web browsers. It had its beginnings in 1995 as part&hellip

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Why is Helium important?

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Why is Helium important? Considered to be one of the most abundant gases found in the atmosphere, helium is an element that is well represented in the field of chemistry as ‘He’. Found to spearhead&hellip

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Why is Standard Deviation important?

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Why is Standard Deviation important? Standard deviation is one toll of measurement that is mostly associated and used in the field of statistics and probability. Standard deviation measures the degree of variability or diversity among&hellip

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Why do Hypothesis testing?

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Why do Hypothesis testing? The hypothesis test is made by a controlled experiment or a study made from the observation. Hypothesis is used to make decisions utilizing the data. Hypothesis test is a statistical test&hellip

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Why is Epidemiology important?

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Why is Epidemiology important? Epidemiology is technically defined as one study of identifying patterns and factors associated to health and illness states contained in a certain population. The term epidemiology comes from the Greek terms&hellip

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Why do Hands get pruny?

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Why do Hands get pruny? The hands are two parts in the body that is mostly exposed to all kinds of work such as washing, driving, typing, eating and even changing channels of the television.&hellip

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Why is Lactic Acid important?

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Why is Lactic Acid important? Lactic acid is a chemical compound that is essential in most biochemical processes. Also labeled as milk acid, lactic acid was discovered by a Swedish chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele&hellip

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Why is Racism wrong?

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Why is Racism wrong? Racism is part of a belief that emphasizes on differences among various human race, ethnicity and origin. It is a belief, most evidently practiced on most parts of the world that&hellip

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Why is MSN so slow?

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Why is MSM so slow? MSN or in full length term, The Microsoft Network, is an array of internet sites and services that is under the production of Microsoft company. This internet collection was launched&hellip

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Why is Lab safety important?

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Why is Lab safety important? A laboratory is a specifically designed placed that is highly associated and mostly utilized in the field of science and research. In most cases, a laboratory is used to facilitate&hellip

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Why do Endothermic reactions occur?

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Why do Endothermic reactions occur? Chemical reactions give out energy in the form of sound, light and heat. These types of reactions are called as exothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions are generally spontaneous and increase in&hellip

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Why is Atomic mass a decimal?

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Why is Atomic mass a decimal? Atomic mass is the total weight of a single atom that is comprised of the number of protons, electrons and neutrons. Most commonly expressed in unified atomic mass units&hellip

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Why is Pulse Rate high?

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Why is Pulse Rate high? Pulse rate is one vital measurement obtained from human beings. Along with respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature, pulse rate is one of the basic measurements taken to serve as&hellip

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