Tagged By cell

Why is folic acid important?

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Folic acid is a type of B vitamin that is considered good for the body.  Its natural form is called “folate,” and many people also refer to it as Vitamin B9 or folacin.  Folic acid&hellip

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Why is mitosis important?

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Mitosis is the scientific and biological process that involves the separation of one single cell, thereby producing two identical sets of cells, each of which contains a nucleus. After following a certain specific cycle that&hellip

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Why is passive transport important?

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Why is passive transport important? Passive transport involves the movement of solutes based on the concentration of substances inside and outside the cell. It requires low energy for the movement of the substances passively. Passive&hellip

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Why is Pork bad for you?

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Why is Pork bad for you? Pork has always been part of our meal. It provides protein which is essential for cell growth. However, too much pork may be hazardous to our health. Pork can&hellip

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