Tagged By chemical

Why is methylene blue necessary

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Why is methylene blue necessary Methylene blue is a chemical compound that is characterized as being heterocyclic and aromatic. It is considered a necessity because of its various uses especially in the fields of chemistry&hellip

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Why do burns smell?

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Why do burns smell? Burning, scientifically named as combustion, is a series of chemical reactions that occur between a fuel and an oxidant, in the presence of heat. As this process occurs, chemical compounds and&hellip

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Why is friction important?

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Why is friction important? As the master of all movements, friction is one important element in matter and in nature. Friction is basically defined as the energy whereby resistance is met when objects, solid surfaces&hellip

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Why do reactions stop?

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Why do reactions stop? Reaction is a broad word that can be associated with various concepts and meanings. In the literal sense of the word, reaction refers to a response to any given stimuli such&hellip

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Why is vanadium important?

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Why is vanadium important? Vanadium is a transition metal belonging to group VB in the periodic table. It has symbol as ‘V’ and has atomic number as 23. Its atomic mass is 50.9415. This metal&hellip

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Why is NF3 Polar?

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Why is NF3 Polar? NF3 is the chemical representation for the compound nitrogen trifluoride. This inorganic compound possesses characteristics of being colorless, toxic, odorless, and nonflammable gas substance. Nitrogen trifluoride is most commonly used in&hellip

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Why is Lactic Acid important?

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Why is Lactic Acid important? Lactic acid is a chemical compound that is essential in most biochemical processes. Also labeled as milk acid, lactic acid was discovered by a Swedish chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele&hellip

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Why do Endothermic reactions occur?

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Why do Endothermic reactions occur? Chemical reactions give out energy in the form of sound, light and heat. These types of reactions are called as exothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions are generally spontaneous and increase in&hellip

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Why is Urea Reabsorbed?

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Why is Urea Reabsorbed? Having a chemical formula of (NH2)2CO, urea is one organic compound that is primarily made up of two amine groups with a functional carbonyl group attached to it. It is a&hellip

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Why is NH3 tetrahedral?

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Why is NH3 tetrahedral? NH3 is a chemical symbol for the compound ammonia. This chemical compound is basically formed from the basic elements of nitrogen and hydrogen, in the absence of water. As early as&hellip

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Why is Phenolphthalein used?

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Why is Phenolphthalein used? Phenolphthalein is a chemical that is used as an indicator substance for acids and bases. It is written as ph ph” in shorthand notation. Phenolphthalein is used in titrations mostly to&hellip

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