Tagged By chemistry

Why Is NaCl Neutral?

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Why Is NaCl Neutral? NaCl or sodium chloride or better known as salt is considered as neutral in term of its components. In chemistry, a compound is considered neutral if it can’t be a base&hellip

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Why is Helium important?

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Why is Helium important? Considered to be one of the most abundant gases found in the atmosphere, helium is an element that is well represented in the field of chemistry as ‘He’. Found to spearhead&hellip

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Why is oxygen electronegative?

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Why is oxygen electronegative? Anywhere we go, we breathe oxygen. Ã’šÃ‚ It is the reason why there is life on earth. Ã’šÃ‚ It is an essential element in organic and inorganic compounds, gaseous molecule, and even in&hellip

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Why are Gases compressible?

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Why are gases compressible? The physical properties of solids, liquids and gases differ, because the behaviors of the molecules they consist of differ. Gas molecules are far from each other, without any proper arrangement in&hellip

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