Tagged By cold

Difference between Cold and Flu

Difference between Cold and Flu

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Definition of Cold The common cold known simply as cold, is a self-limiting acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Different viruses are responsible for cold syndromes, rhinoviruses being the most common, accounting for&hellip

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Why do colds get worse at night?

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The common cold seems to worsen at nighttime, and the symptoms are noticed more clearly during the night. This is probably because the daytime activities available vary less during the night to divert the attention&hellip

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Why do cold sores appear?

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Why do cold sores appear? Medically studied to be caused by a virus, cold sores are evidently small, painful, fluid filled blister that most commonly affects the mouth, lips or nose. Also known as oral&hellip

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Why is Nyquil bad?

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Why is Nyquil bad? Nyquil is a popular brand of an over the counter medicine usually taken to relieve common cold symptoms. It is considered safe as long as taken in moderation and based on&hellip

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Why is Snow cold?

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Why is Snow cold? In other parts of the world, rain is in the form of snow. Snow is frozen water that’s why it is solid. Snow is cold because it is formed in a&hellip

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Why do Eggs float?

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Why do Eggs float? If the eggs are carefully placed in the fresh cold water based on the extent of its freshness, it attains its position inside water. If the egg sinks completely and remains&hellip

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Why is Space cold?

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Why is Space cold? It is the fact that any matter will have certain temperature which is obtained from the molecular speed. If the molecules are faster in the matter then the material becomes warm.&hellip

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