Tagged By Crimes

Why is Ned Kelly famous?

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Edward “Ned” Kelly is a famous Irish Australian bushranger.  He is well known for his daring pursuits that lasted for over several years before he was finally caught and brought to justice. In Australia, he&hellip

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Why do laws change?

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Why do laws change? The term law is most commonly used in referring to a principle that is universally applied. It is used to explain the fundamental nature of things and relationships that exist. Law&hellip

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Why was Outlaw cancelled?

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Why was Outlaw cancelled? Starred by Jimmy Smits as Cyrus Garza, Outlaw is an American TV series that was launched last September 15, 2010 and runs for an hour every Friday. This TV series was&hellip

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Why is OJ Simpson in Jail?

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Originally gaining fame as a successful running back for University of Southern California’s football team, OJ Simpson eventually graduated to the NFL. Ã’šÃ‚ Also known as ‘The Juice,, OJ Simpson was the first NFL player to&hellip

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