Tagged By green

Why Does Garlic Turn Green?

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Why does garlic turn green? If the garlic is not ripe and dry fully, it can get converted into green color in the presence of sunlight. This happens because of the presence of chlorophyll compound.&hellip

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Why is stool green?

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Why is stool green? Normally, human beings have brown stool. This is because the food that we eat still undergoes a process of digestion and secretion. Once we eat, the food flows to the stomach&hellip

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Why is Oscillatoria green?

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Why is Oscillatoria green? Oscillatoria is the name of the genus in the group of cyanobacteria that are filamentous in shape. The name Oscillatoria has come based on its type of locomotion which is oscillation.&hellip

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Why is Bile green?

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Why is Bile green? If we see the color of the bowel to be green, there might be two reasons for the green color. One of the reasons might be the ingestion of green leafy&hellip

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