Tagged By leader

Why is Gilgamesh a hero?

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As per the Sumerian list of kings, Gilgamesh was the fifth king for the country of Uruk.  The Mesopotamian literary section comprises a work with the epic name of Gilgamesh.  In this book, Gilgamesh was&hellip

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Why is Nelson Mandela famous?

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Nelson Mandela is a famous world figure because of his contribution to his country in South Africa.  Being South Africa’s first president from a truly democratic election, Nelson Mandela has become a living icon of&hellip

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Why is Mohandas Gandhi important?

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Why is Mohandas Gandhi important? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a famous and distinguished political leader of India during the period of Indian Independence movement. He was born in 1869, on 2nd October and died in&hellip

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Why Was Louis XVI Executed?

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Why Was Louis XVI Executed? History was not so kind to King Louis XVI. He was judged as ineffective, controlled, unintelligent leader. His indecisive behavior also became one of the reasons why he was very&hellip

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