Tagged By pain

Why is ectopic pregnancy dangerous?

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Why is ectopic pregnancy dangerous? An ectopic (outside) pregnancy occurs when the sperm (male gamete) fertilizes the ova (female gamete) and the formed zygote implants at sites other than inside the uterine cavity. Extra-uterine sites&hellip

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Why does yeast infection hurt?

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Yeast infections, also known as fungal infections, are infections due to any organism from the Candida species. Candida is a kind of fungus from the genus Yeast. Yeast infections are medically termed as Candidiasis or&hellip

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Why do mice squeak?

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People always hear squeaks from mice and rats. Whether they are unwanted pests or household pets, mice produce squeaking sounds for a variety of reasons.  Most people believe the squeaking is due to some kind&hellip

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Why do shots hurt afterwards?

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Shots or injections are typically administered to the arm or other parts of the body, and many people complain about pain after receiving them.  These shots are typically vaccines or medicines to combat certain medical&hellip

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Why do calf muscles cramp?


The sudden intensive pain due to leg cramps in the night affects many people which takes away their sleep. People are awakened due to the pain in the legs which includes heavy contractions in the&hellip

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