Tagged By Pregnancy

Why Do HCG Levels Rise?

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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced in the body by the trophoblastic cells of the chorionic membrane. The rise in the levels of HCG is mostly due to change in the normal physiology&hellip

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Why is folic acid important?

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Folic acid is a type of B vitamin that is considered good for the body.  Its natural form is called “folate,” and many people also refer to it as Vitamin B9 or folacin.  Folic acid&hellip

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Why do fetuses kick?

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The kicking of the fetus is felt by the mother at the time of 16th week to the 22nd week of pregnancy onwards. The slight movement of the fetus is felt even from seventh week&hellip

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Why do Miscarriages happen?

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Why do Miscarriages happen? Miscarriage is the abortion of embryo or fetus spontaneously occurring before the development of it happens completely. This might happen long before the woman knows that she is conceived. There are&hellip

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