Tagged By protection

Why do bikers carry knives?

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Bikers across the US and Canada are known for their big motor bikes and the stereotypical look of wearing black leather jackets and sporting colorful tattoos. Some also label bikers as people having a laid-back&hellip

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Why is folic acid important?

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Folic acid is a type of B vitamin that is considered good for the body.  Its natural form is called “folate,” and many people also refer to it as Vitamin B9 or folacin.  Folic acid&hellip

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Why is Obamacare bad?

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Why is Obamacare bad? Obamacare is otherwise known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The bill was passed last March 2010 and on the 23rd day of the same month and year, the&hellip

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Why was HIPAA created?

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Why was HIPAA created? HIPAA stands for the acronym of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” of 1996. HIPAA is divided into two major parts which help out putting into plain words the very basis&hellip

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