Tagged By software

Why Do Software Testing?

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Why do software testing? The software testing is performed to monitor the efficiency of the program and carries out the necessary results. Testing is important for maintaining the software quality and is mostly implemented by&hellip

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Why is upload speed Slow?

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Why is upload speed Slow? Generally, if we test the broadband speed from the site meant for testing it, most of our browsers in the PCs will show higher download speed than the upload speed.&hellip

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP?

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP? Java is not pure object oriented programming language because some of its data types are not object. In java we can make use of primitive data types. Pure Object&hellip

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Why is Java secure?

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Why is Java secure? The security of Java has been tried and tested by a few and found surprising results. Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. The language have many characteristics and&hellip

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