Tagged By spices

Why Does Garlic Turn Green?

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Why does garlic turn green? If the garlic is not ripe and dry fully, it can get converted into green color in the presence of sunlight. This happens because of the presence of chlorophyll compound.&hellip

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Why is Saffron so expensive?

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Why is Saffron so expensive? Most of the spices are generally expensive. Saffron is also a spice which appears in reddish yellow color and it is known to possess lot of health benefits. Saffron offers&hellip

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Why is arugula bitter?

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Arugula is a common name for all the species of Brassicaceae family with pungent leaves. Arugula is the name especially given to Eruca sativa Mill. Arugula is also called as rocket, roquette, rugula, and rucola.&hellip

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