Tagged By Urine

Why is caffeine a diuretic?

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Many experts usually consider caffeine as a diuretic. It is believed by some people that if they ingest caffeinated drinks, it makes the people to remove fluids from the body. So some people do not&hellip

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Why do male dogs mark?

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Many people notice dogs urinate on posts, walls, and plant pots as if they have a specific reason for picking such a spot. More often than not, the dogs that do these are male, and&hellip

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Why Does Urine Foam?

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Why Does Urine Foam Urine coming from a perfectly healthy individual should be clear and flowing like water. But there are times when it takes on a different color and creates foam when it hits&hellip

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Why Does Urine bubble?

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Why Does Urine bubble? Bubbles in the urine may be due to the vigorous flow of it when the air gets stucked inside the bubbles. The foamy appearance might be because of the fast flow&hellip

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