Why do Coyotes howl?

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Why do Coyotes howl?

Archeological evidence shows that coyotes lived in the east. They were largely eliminated later from the region by trapping and shooting. Later, these predators from the west, and those that remained in the wild areas of the east, have made a comeback. Today, eastern coyotes weigh more than western coyotes. Scientists believe that the western coyotes that have migrated to the east due to lack of mates of its own kind, has mated with wolves, and might have cross bred. This might be the reason for the eastern coyotes appearing as part wolf.

The howling of coyotes sounds a bit like maniacal laughter. It is heard as an attention grabbing sound. They howl usually in the evening or at night. The howl of a coyote will be louder, and the chorus will be heard with increasing frequency throughout the north east. The howling is not restricted to remote areas, but also heard in towns, suburbs and cities.

It is said by educated people from wild life resources that howling is a basic communication behavior. There appear to be several meanings for this howl. One is calling the family group back to join together after individual hunting. The other reason behind howling is telling other family groups to get away from there, and giving warning to them to leave this territory.

Howling is otherwise telling all the males to leave the area, and female mates to come nearer to the male by following the howling sound. If the coyote that is howling is responded to by another coyote howl, then it means that the other one is also saying that it also owns a territory, and better not come there.

Some howling is classified as lone howling, and is done to say that I am lost and alone. The next type is group howling, where many lone coyotes howl together. The third type is the group-yip howl, which is done for the same purpose of group howling.

Coyotes perform this vocalization to advertise their own territory and coordinate group hunting, as well as to call back their females.

Author: Hari M

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