Why is Nervous System important?

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Why is Nervous System important?

The nervous system is comprised of organs that perform essential specific functions, which are distinct from each other. The nervous system is one of the most vital and critical systems that supports, maintains and regulates the body functions. The nervous system is made up millions of tiny cells called neurons. As the building block of the entire nervous system, it has the responsibility to transmit impulses and has a major role in coordinating actions and movements in the different parts of the body. More so, the nervous system is one coordinating system that ensures that all parts of the body function accordingly and at its desired optimum purpose.
The two most important organs in the nervous system are the brain and the spinal cord. When a series of stimuli is perceived, impulses are being transmitted towards the brain via the spinal cord. The brain acts as the central processing unit that interprets the impulses being transmitted and adequately responds to the stimuli perceived. As this becomes the main function of the brain, the primary task of the nervous system is like that of a network where messages are relayed to and from the brain. Therefore, the nervous system is important because it has the biggest priority of regulating, monitoring and controlling the functions of the other body systems. With the brain as the control center, it is important because all body functions and responses are dependent on how the brain will function and react. If inconsistencies within the nervous system suddenly take place, body parts of the different body systems may also be evidently affected.
Therefore, if the brain becomes the organ affected by a specific disease, it is most likely that certain body parts will also be affected and compromised if not treated appropriately.

Author: plaza

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