
Why do dormant seeds respire?

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Many plant seeds are considered to remain dormant for a period of time depending on various circumstances.  Dormancy in seeds is often needed by some plants in order to preserve the life of some seeds&hellip

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Why do pugs have flat faces?

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Pugs are breed of dogs that are classified under the toy dogs category.  Being under this category, authentic pugs are expected to weigh up to a maximum of 18 pounds only.  At this weight, pugs&hellip

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Why do kookaburras call?

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Kookaburras are tree birds found only in Australia and New Guinea.  These birds are classified as relatively large birds and their bodies could stretch to as long as 17 inches.  Kookaburras are also known to&hellip

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Why do esters have strong aromas?

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Esters are substances or organic compounds that typically contain hydrocarbons that served as replacement for the hydrogen molecules.  In order for a compound to be classified chemically as an ester, it must have similar properties&hellip

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Why do clementines have seeds?

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Clementines are types of Mandarin oranges that are typically sweeter and seedless. Both varieties are part of the rutaceae family and are characterized by their small size and bright orange color.  Aside from the sweeter&hellip

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Why do fur coats shed?

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People that have fur coats sourced from various animals like rabbits and foxes for example have noticed that the fur actually sheds off over time.  Some people experience shedding in high-friction areas like the elbow&hellip

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Why do spayed dogs hump?

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Spaying in female dogs involves surgical removal of their uterus and ovaries so they would not become pregnant anymore. Despite this procedure though, many spayed dogs continue to hump and mount other dogs and still&hellip

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Why do global winds curve?

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Global Winds and Coriolis Effect Wind envelopes the Earth and is of importance to everyone. The winds that encircle the entire planet is called global winds. There are a lot of names for global winds&hellip

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Why do mice squeak?

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People always hear squeaks from mice and rats. Whether they are unwanted pests or household pets, mice produce squeaking sounds for a variety of reasons.  Most people believe the squeaking is due to some kind&hellip

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Why do rift valleys occur?

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Rift valleys are types of valleys that are typically long, narrow, and deep. They basically occur or form because of a land fault.  When part of the Earth’s surface, called the lithosphere starts to break&hellip

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Why do lynxes have ear tufts?

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Lynxes are wild cats that are medium in size and are characterized by black tufts on their long ears and tails.  They basically eat rodents in the wild and do their hunting activities mostly at&hellip

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Why do dolphins have mercury?

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Studies have shown that dolphin meat actually contains very high levels of mercury.  Similar to other types of fish, many health organizations around the world caution people from consuming dolphin meat because of its toxicity.&hellip

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Why do cilia continually move?

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Cilia refers to hair-like structures that are found in some cells of various organisms.  Most cilia are present in single-cell organisms, but they can also be found in the cells of animals and humans, particularly&hellip

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Why do goldfish swim upside down?

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Goldfish are among people’s favorite fish varieties when talking about aquariums and fish tanks. Their bright color and round shape makes them look very cute and adorable. Most of the time people will see goldfish&hellip

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Why do gharials bask in the sun?

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Gharials are members of the reptile family along with crocodiles and alligators. They look similar to crocodiles but they have longer and narrower jaw lines. Gharials may also be called gavials or Indian gharials.  One&hellip

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Why do maggots appear?

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Maggots refer to the larva of flies.  Once this larva hatch from the eggs, they transform into maggots.  Many of these maggots appear in contaminated meat or dead animals for example and this make people&hellip

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Why do otters live near rivers?

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Otters are mammals that are able to swim in the water. They have thick furs that help them regulate body temperature despite extreme weather or winter conditions. Their feet are also webbed and this helps&hellip

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Why do domestic cats hate water?

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Domesticated cats are well-loved animals in many households.  Many cat owners also have the assumption that all these cats hate water. Some cat owners can also attest to the fact that their pets will instantly&hellip

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Why do phenocrysts form?

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Phenocrysts are types of igneous rocks that contain characteristic crystal formations.  Some crystals are small while others grow very large, and these crystals are typically separated from each other by fine grains of the typical,&hellip

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Why do rivers flood?

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Flooding in rivers is a natural occurrence, and this is basically due to excess water. With increasing amounts of water accumulating in the river from rain or melting snow, for example, the time will come&hellip

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Why do eels migrate?

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Eels are a variety of fish that are recognizable by their long and thin bodies.  Along with other animals, eels also have various activities in the ocean to protect their own survival. Many of them&hellip

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Why is dog fighting wrong?

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Dog fighting is an illegal activity in the U.S. and in many parts of the world.  This is mainly because of so-called animal rights. Many people have always argued in behalf of the dogs that&hellip

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Why is coal important?

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Coal is the energy source that is affordable as well as reliable. After the Industrial Revolution took place in the 1800s, coal has been a major source of energy. Until now, coal was evaluated as&hellip

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Why are pesticides bad?

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Everyone knows to some extent that pesticides are harmful to the environment. But the impact of them on every person and the health of the public on the whole are not understood by many people.&hellip

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Why is phosphorus important?

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The element phosphorus is very essential for the body’s health. One of the major advantages of phosphorus is that it forms a constituent of the phosphodiesterase linkages of the DNA. These ester linkages consist of&hellip

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Why do ladybugs bite?

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It is said that some ladybugs bite. The domestic ladybugs, or lady beetles, mostly found in North America are not found to bite. The Asian origin, multicolored lady beetles are found to bite.  Northeast Asia&hellip

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Why do steroids shrink testicles?

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Many people understand steroids as something to do with bodybuilding.  Indeed, people who want to have bigger muscles take anabolic steroids for this particular purpose.  It is also common for those who want to build&hellip

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Why do skunks spray?

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The skunks spray for various reasons. The skunk carries out its defense mechanism to protect its young from predators like wolves, coyotes, badgers and any other natural predator. Humans are sometimes considered predators and discouraged&hellip

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Why do cucumbers turn yellow?

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The cucumbers in the garden are observed to be turning yellow and orange which is very common. There are many reasons for the cucumbers to become yellow. Some of the cucumber types, like lemon cucumbers,&hellip

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Why do male dogs mark?

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Many people notice dogs urinate on posts, walls, and plant pots as if they have a specific reason for picking such a spot. More often than not, the dogs that do these are male, and&hellip

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Why do labia grow?

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Labia are two fat pads present to safeguard the vagina and clitoris of woman from injury. Overgrowth of labia is known as labial hypertrophy. Here, the labia are enlarged and grow disproportionately. The reasons for&hellip

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Why do fungi grow in rings?

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The fungal spores disseminate a network of tube shaped threads which are extended all around in all the directions. The fungal threads reach out similar to the spokes that radiate from the wheel. Some of&hellip

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