Science & Tech

Why is Acid Corrosive?


Why is Acid Corrosive? Acids are corrosive in nature. They have the tendency of damaging the surface irreversibly with which they come in contact. Exposure of eyes and skin to acids will destroy the corresponding&hellip

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Why do Glasses Fog Up?

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Why do Glasses Fog Up? When we are walking in cool air and suddenly move into relatively hotter room then the glasses will get fogged up. The water vapor condenses at cool temperature in the&hellip

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Why are Halogens So Reactive?

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Halogens are extremely reactive elements. Great amounts of halogen can be very harmful or lethal to any biological organisms. Halogens are often called ‘oxidizers’ due to their high reactivity towards any element. What causes their&hellip

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Why Do Hydrogen Bonds Form?

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Why Do Hydrogen Bonds Form? Hydrogen bond refers to the attractive intermolecular energy existing between two parts of molecules with opposite charges of polarity. It is the interaction between hydrogen and an electronegative atom which&hellip

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Why are Hydrogen Bonds Weak?

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Why are Hydrogen Bonds Weak? Hydrogen bonding refers to the weak interaction between two molecules containing Hydrogen atom bonded to an electronegative atom such as Oxygen, Fluorine and Nitrogen. This only occurs in molecules that&hellip

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Why do Ionic Bonds Form?

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Why do Ionic Bonds Form? Ionic bonds are formed when one of the two atoms that are reacting has excess electrons and transfer the electrons to the atom that is deficient in electrons. During the&hellip

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Why do Acids Burn?

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Why do Acids Burn? Acids are chemicals that convert blue color litmus paper into red. The color of the litmus paper indicates the extent of hydrogen ions in the paper. If the hydrogen ion concentration&hellip

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Why Do Blackberrys have WIFI?

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Why Do Blackberrys have WIFI? In this world of cell phones and laptops, Blackberry devices have become a preferred gadget of not only business executives but also of other people as well. Blackberry devices have&hellip

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Why Do Honey Bees Swarm?

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Why Do Honey Bees Swarm? A swarm of honeybees moving through the air with all the bees moving in one direction is one of nature’s most interesting sights to see. It can be intimidating because&hellip

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Why Are Hydrocarbons Hydrophobic?

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Why Are Hydrocarbons Hydrophobic? Hydrophobic literally means the ‘fear of water,. Hydrocarbons are compounds that are made up of hydrogen and carbon molecules. Hydrocarbons have the ability to bond themselves together and form chains that&hellip

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Why is Air Invisible?

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Why is Air Invisible? From your childhood years up to now, it can be possible that you are still wondering why air is invisible while you can perfectly feel it in your skin. You can&hellip

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Why Is The Earth Round?

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Why Is The Earth Round? In the history of man, people were exiled, killed, burned alive and stoned to death because of their personal conviction that the earth is flat and not round. The shape&hellip

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Why Do Ions Form?

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Why Do Ions Form? You might have experienced this question when you were still doing your chemistry classes. As you may already know, an ion is an atom/molecule that doesn’t have the total number of&hellip

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Why Was The Internet Created?

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Why Was The Internet Created? The reality of the internet was born around the late 1960s as a fruit of various scholars, scientists and a lot of researchers commissioned by the US government’s Defense Department,&hellip

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Why is KCL Neutral?

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Why is KCL Neutral? Experts had long agreed that KCL or potassium chloride is considered as a neutral solution. It has a strong base, as well as strong acids that harmonize together to form a&hellip

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Why Was Google Created?


Google is a search engine that is widely used these days. Almost all internet savvy and online researchers are aware about it. It is widely used by most people across the globe. This is one&hellip

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Why Do Esters Smell?


Why Do Esters Smell? Esters smell primarily due to the alcohol and the carbocilic group that is the natural combination of its components. The common smell of esters is fruity. Yeast is the primary composition&hellip

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Why Do Hard Drives Fail?

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Why Do Hard Drives Fail? Maybe nearly all of the computer users have suffered a painful hard drive death. Whenever the alarming clicking sound is heard, all we can do is to scuttle and try&hellip

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Why Do Apples Bruise?

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Why Do Apples Bruise? Apples bruise most probably because you either dropped it which caused the apples cells to split open triggering the common chemical referred to as phenols to come out or emerge. Because&hellip

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Why do Aquatic Plants Bubble?

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Why do Aquatic Plants Bubble? Plants are the living things in the world which causes good things to other living things including human. There are various types of plants like hydrophonic plants, plants that can&hellip

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Why Do Geese Honk?

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Why Do Geese Honk? The goose (singular for geese) is a kind of bird or fowl that number to about 52 species scattered all over the world. Next to humans they are referred as one&hellip

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Why Do Glow-Worms Glow?

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Why Do Glow-Worms Glow? Many of us are left astounded by the sight of the little light and glow that some insects can produce. This includes the magical lure that glow-worms can create at the&hellip

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Why Do Goldfish Die?

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Why Do Goldfish Die? All living things die, but many are still surprised on how early their pet gold fish dies in their tanks. Experts believe that a goldfish can live for more than 10&hellip

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Why Do Fish Have Scales?

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Why Do Fish Have Scales? All living creatures in this world, the animals and humans have a protective outer covering of the body. In humans it is called the skin, in animal’s fur and scales.&hellip

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Why Do Apples Spoil?

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Why Do Apples Spoil? Every Fruit and Vegetable in nature spoils with time. Apples may last for up to 3-5 months and there is a possibility that it will last longer, if stored properly. Apples&hellip

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Why do E-mails Bounce?

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Why do E-mails Bounce? Bouncing e-mails can be very vexing, especially if you’re sending an important message that needs to be relayed immediately, but instead receive a notification letter that states that it cannot find&hellip

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