Science & Tech

Why Do Eclipses Occur?

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Why Do Eclipses Occur? A lot of people find it a spectacle every time an eclipse is concluded to appear at one point during the year. Sometimes, these natural occurrences are so sensationalized that people&hellip

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP?

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Why Is Java Not Pure OOP? Java is not pure object oriented programming language because some of its data types are not object. In java we can make use of primitive data types. Pure Object&hellip

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Why is Vista so Slow?

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Why is Vista so Slow? Today, the world is ruled by computers. In almost everything we do, we turn to our computers. We do it either by personal computer or laptop. The most popular processor&hellip

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Why are Fossils important?

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Why are Fossils important? People consider the past as a mystery and the only way to know about the past is to ‘dig it up,. Fossil is commonly called ‘fossus, in Latin which means ‘having&hellip

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Why is Java secure?

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Why is Java secure? The security of Java has been tried and tested by a few and found surprising results. Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. The language have many characteristics and&hellip

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Why is Gmail so Slow?

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Why is Gmail so Slow? Most of the cases have reported the slowness of Gmail due to the old version usage of the browser. When they switch to the newer version, the problem is found&hellip

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Why Do CFL Flicker?

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Why Do CFL Flicker? Compact Fluorescent Light, also known as Compact Fluorescent Lamp is discovered as an energy saving light. It replaced incandescent lamps and compared to any general service of the old model of&hellip

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Why Do CFCS Cause Ozone Depletion?

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Why Do CFCS Cause Ozone Depletion? Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) contain chlorine, carbon and fluorine and are used as fluids in air conditioners and refrigerators. These are gases that can easily be liquefied because they are non-toxic&hellip

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Why is Genetics Important?

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Why is Genetics Important? Before we discuss this, let me first define the word ‘genes’. According to, ‘Genes are a unit of heredity in any living organism., Each gene carries a specific code of&hellip

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Why Do Atoms form Ions?

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Why Do Atoms form Ions? Atoms are neutral in general. Every atom has a nucleus which consists of protons and neutrons. The nucleus in every atom is surrounded by electrons. The electrons are arranged around&hellip

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Why Do Atoms Combine?

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Why Do Atoms Combine? Molecules of all compounds in nature are made up of more than one atom linked together in a particular ratio. Each molecule is bonded with its elements and changes its properties&hellip

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Why Do Cells Reproduce?

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Why Do Cells Reproduce? Cell reproduction is important for the growth of our body. The body undergoes different stages in cell growth and cell reproduction plays a vital role in its development. Cells reproduce due&hellip

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Why Do Atoms exhibit Line Spectra?

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Why Do Atoms exhibit Line Spectra? Every atom displays spectrum of its kind. Sodium, hydrogen, or any other element shows spectrum characteristic of their respective atoms. Atoms that exist alone have the nature of either&hellip

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Why Do Apples Rot?

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Why Do Apples Rot? Moist conditions or warm environment are conditions that will cause rotting. Moist condition provides more water for the biochemical reactions to occur that lead to fruit rotting. Heat will enhance the&hellip

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Why Does Diffusion occur?

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Why Does Diffusion occur? Diffusion is a common term applied to liquids as well as gases. This is a phenomenon where there is a movement of molecules passively from the region of their high concentration&hellip

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Why is Computer Fan so Loud?

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Why is Computer Fan so Loud? The latest computers have temperature sensors which are monitored by a separate circuit. This circuit keeps track of the temperature and if this goes up, then it triggers the&hellip

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Why is Computer Beeping?

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Why is Computer Beeping? People might have come across beeps some time while using an old computer. Beeps might occur if there are any problems with power, BIOS, CPU, memory and video. In order to&hellip

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Why are Enzymes Important?

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Why are Enzymes Important? Enzymes are called biological catalysts. A catalyst is a molecule that can enhance the rate of a chemical or biochemical reaction. It brings the reactants together and facilitates the reaction to&hellip

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Why Does Black Absorb Heat?


Why Does Black Absorb Heat? Black as a color absorbs heat because of specific properties of the color and of the light. When light shines on an object, the object’s color either absorbs or reflects&hellip

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Why Do Opposites Attract?

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Why Do Opposites Attract? This is a very widely held belief, and is also a physical science question. Metallic charges in magnetic objects attract to objects of the opposite charges, based on atomic structure. Positive&hellip

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Why Are Gametes Haploid?

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Why Are Gametes Haploid? Gametes for the human race, as well as many other animal species, including all the mammals, are haploid ‘š this means that the cells contain only half as much DNA (only&hellip

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Why Do Humans Cry?

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Why Do Humans Cry? There are many reasons to cry, from emotional movies, to keep dust and dirt out of your eyes. The tear is saline, or salt water, which flushes out the eye for&hellip

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Why Does Bread Rise?

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Why Does Bread Rise? Bread rises due to specialized chemical reactions from various ingredients in the bread dough. Specifically, bread uses yeast to rise, but other baked products use other various things to get a&hellip

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Why Do Ships Float?


Why Do Ships Float? If you think about it, sometimes it’s hard to understand how ships stay on top of the water because they look like they are too heavy to sit on top of&hellip

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