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Why is Biopsy Done?

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Why is Biopsy Done? Biopsy is a medical procedure done when a small sample of tissue is removed from the body to check for the presence of abnormal cells. If a patient is found to&hellip

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Why Do Oligopolies Exist?

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Why Do Oligopolies Exist? Competition is essential for a market to exist. That is why monopolies are not encouraged. But, there is also such thing as oligopoly. Why do they exist? Oligopoly is a market&hellip

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Why do Lions Have Manes?

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Why do Lions Have Manes? In the animal kingdom, only the male lions grow manes. This is the distinct difference between the male and female lions. The lion is known as the ‘King of Beasts,.&hellip

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Why do Frogs Croak?

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Why do Frogs Croak? It wouldn’t be hard to answer this question. Like humans use speech to communicate with other people, a frog croaks because it is their way of communication. However, there have been&hellip

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Why is Gmail so Slow?

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Why is Gmail so Slow? Most of the cases have reported the slowness of Gmail due to the old version usage of the browser. When they switch to the newer version, the problem is found&hellip

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Why do Fireflies Light up?

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Why do Fireflies Light up? This question had been asked for as long as I can remember. Well fireflies or ‘lightning bugs, are members of the beetle family, which surprised a lot of people. Some&hellip

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Why do Clouds Float?

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Why do Clouds Float? I’m sure as a kid you fantasized about the clouds being an endless mass of white cotton candy floating on midair and the thought of it would make you salivate and&hellip

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Why Do CFL Flicker?

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Why Do CFL Flicker? Compact Fluorescent Light, also known as Compact Fluorescent Lamp is discovered as an energy saving light. It replaced incandescent lamps and compared to any general service of the old model of&hellip

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Why Do CFCS Cause Ozone Depletion?

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Why Do CFCS Cause Ozone Depletion? Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) contain chlorine, carbon and fluorine and are used as fluids in air conditioners and refrigerators. These are gases that can easily be liquefied because they are non-toxic&hellip

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Why are GTOs called Goats?

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Why are GTOs called Goats? One of the most significant car memories from childhood that I have is remembering running through one of my neighbor’s yards and always seeing this gorgeous blue GTO sitting in&hellip

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Why is Genetics Important?

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Why is Genetics Important? Before we discuss this, let me first define the word ‘genes’. According to, ‘Genes are a unit of heredity in any living organism., Each gene carries a specific code of&hellip

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Why Does Urine Foam?

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Why Does Urine Foam Urine coming from a perfectly healthy individual should be clear and flowing like water. But there are times when it takes on a different color and creates foam when it hits&hellip

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Why Do Men Tease Women?

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Why Do Men Tease Women There are two forms of teasing that men are guilty of practicing. First is mean teasing. Women are not really exempted from this but in general it’s the men who&hellip

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Why Do Atoms form Ions?

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Why Do Atoms form Ions? Atoms are neutral in general. Every atom has a nucleus which consists of protons and neutrons. The nucleus in every atom is surrounded by electrons. The electrons are arranged around&hellip

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Why Do Atoms Combine?

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Why Do Atoms Combine? Molecules of all compounds in nature are made up of more than one atom linked together in a particular ratio. Each molecule is bonded with its elements and changes its properties&hellip

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Why are Asians so Skinny?

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Why are Asians so Skinny? Now before we talk about ‘genes,, let us take a broader look on why Asian people are skinny. Humans are probably the most advanced specie in the planet. We learn&hellip

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Why Do Cells Reproduce?

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Why Do Cells Reproduce? Cell reproduction is important for the growth of our body. The body undergoes different stages in cell growth and cell reproduction plays a vital role in its development. Cells reproduce due&hellip

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Why Do Antibiotics cause Diarrhea?

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Why Do Antibiotics cause Diarrhea? Antibiotic associated Diarrhea results in loose bowel movements occurring due to the treatment with antibiotics. This condition normally disappears when usage of antibiotic is ceased. This condition might result in&hellip

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Why Do Atoms exhibit Line Spectra?

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Why Do Atoms exhibit Line Spectra? Every atom displays spectrum of its kind. Sodium, hydrogen, or any other element shows spectrum characteristic of their respective atoms. Atoms that exist alone have the nature of either&hellip

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Why Do Zits Smell?

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Why Do Zits Smell? Generation of zits on the body is common among many growing women as well as adults. Zits are mostly seen in men and sometimes often in few women. Zits are accumulation&hellip

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