Why Do Humans Cry?

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Why Do Humans Cry?

There are many reasons to cry, from emotional movies, to keep dust and dirt out of your eyes. The tear is saline, or salt water, which flushes out the eye for various reasons. It spreads throughout the eye to make it very lubricated for easy movement. Because your eyes are constantly moving, this is a very important function of the body.

There are infect three different types of tears. Basal tears are the most basic; they simply keep the eyes totally moist for quick movement. Tears that flush out unwanted contaminants are called reflex tears. But the tears that are most often referred to, when someone says they are crying, are emotional tears. These have actually been shown to have different ingredients: they have more manganese and prolactin, which when released through crying, relieve hormonal tension within the body. Manganese is an element that affects temperament and disposition in humans, and prolactin regulates milk production. When built up in the body, they cause stress from an excess of the hormones, and so when released through crying, they help regulate stress levels, making the crier feel better.

But the more likely reason that we cry emotional tears on a time to time basis is because it is a simple but effective means of communication. It lets a person say, ‘I am extremely sad, or worried, or overburdened (or maybe overjoyed with pleasure),, without actually having to say those words, which sometimes is much easier. This can cause comfort and support from peers, which often creates bonds and deeper relationships (not always sexually so) with other people. And these emotions are universal, so that no language barriers need be overcome ‘š when someone is crying, they are sad, or overly stressed, or happy beyond belief (at which time they could also cry ‘š this is also a very strange act), no matter if they are in the U.S., France, China, or Djibouti.

Author: kelsey

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