Why Is Religion Still Around?

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Worldwide_percentage_of_Adherents_by_ReligionRELIGION IS STILL AROUND AND GETTING STRONGER!

One of the most consistent aspects in America is its religious life. It has endured and its durability is the outcome of its defiance to all the dramatic social changes. There is hardly any change as its religious beliefs and practices of Americans today as it is reminiscence of the 1930s and 1940s.

A look at the religious landscape of American today shows that it is both enormous and diverse.

Just consider that there are nearly 500,000 houses of worship; there are churches for the Christians; synagogues for the Jews; temples for Buddhists & Hindus; and mosques for the Muslims. Christianity leads the 2,000 denominations existing in the U.S. Among these are: Christianity; Judaism; Islam; Buddhism; Hinduism; Unitarian Universalists; Spiritualists; North American Religion; and Baha’i. There are countless independent churches and parachurch movements. Protestant churches abound in American; there is one Protestant church looking after the spiritual needs of 500 adults.

1. Religion is a tradition

It is a tradition to have a religion and to hold a particular set of beliefs over others. Tradition plays the greatest role in maintaining religiosity in society. Most individuals are born and raise following a particular belief from parents and community. They become part of the faith for decades, being brought up in it, living it, and breathing it. In fact, people are influenced by the belief, months or years after they have left the faith.

2. Religion greatly influenced culture

Man is immersed in a religious culture from birth onward and it is difficult to question one’s beliefs and break the chain. Starting 1864, religion is such a part of the US culture. Look at the inscription of ‘In God We Trust’ placed on our green bucks and in 1956, Congress made it an official motto of the United States. In 1954, the words ‘under God’ were added to the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Religion raises money.

By means of direct solicitation, donations and tithing, religion is a money-raiser. Religious organizations are also exempt from many taxes, like property taxes, income taxes, etc. It is a privilege not enjoyed by the rest of the public who has to pay higher taxes. Although, it is a fact that many religions use some of their monetary assets for humanitarian purposes: for charities, for feeding the poor; caring for the homeless, etc.

4. Religion gives power

Money and power go together; religious leaders even become the ear of the President and advisers to many influential people. They get direct access to these people and have much influence. They have the loyalty of entire congregations who will go out and do their bidding. The Catholic Pope .wields so much of the world; he influences issues related to birth control, abortion, science and many others. Billy Graham has had a personal audience with every sitting United States President since HarryTruman.

5. Religion stems from ignorance

For disbelievers, critical thinking is the only way to throw off the yoke of religion. Many people are ignorant and just believe and follow the flock. If people are exposed to critical thinking during their early education, it could have been the best solution to this issue. Faith is not acceptable by critical thinkers as basis for knowledge or just because someone in authority tells them it’s true. They look for the evidence.

6. Religion is part of human nature

Religion comes naturally; it is part of man to believe. Researchers conducted worldwide studies revealed similar findings. It even stated that men believed in some kind of life after death and this tendency instinctively suggest that natural phenomenon happen for a purpose.

So religion will never die, it will be around as long as mankind walks on the four corners of the earth. Nobody can pull religion down. Religion is absolutely essential to modern society for it determines the norms by which a society should operate. In America, there are many religions; but Christian character, morals, values and integrity are what keep the peace.

Author: Lourdes Cedeno

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