Why you should be an Organ Donor?

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Why you should be an Organ Donor?

Becoming an organ donor is a noble decision. It means that you have predetermined that in the event of imminent death, your organs may be sent to patients awaiting transplants. Based on the state of your organs, you could be saving as many as 50 people.

This is a difficult decision to make; nobody wants to think about his/her death. Deciding to be an organ donor means anticipating death and realizing that you can be a hero to someone else. It gives another individual the opportunity to live. Your decision may be difficult for your family and loved ones to accept. It is best to discuss your decision with them. They should be aware of your decision prior to terrible circumstances. If you are under the age of 18, your family must legally give consent for your organ donation. Making your choice known and discussing the issue as a family will help them deal with their loss after you are gone.

Often, organ donors consult their faith’s religious leader. Speaking to someone of your faith will give you religion’s standpoint on organ donation. Many believe that donating an organ is against their religion, however, most religions agree with the terms of organ donation.

There are several common questions when it comes to organ/tissue donation. Should you be in a fatal accident, would doctors really be that concerned to help you? Or are you just keeping the goods warm? The first priority of the medical team is saving your life. The doctor working on you (whatever your condition) will not be involved in the transplant. Your organs will be carefully evaluated and the medical professionals will actually perform a more thorough report to ensure that you are dead.

Very few conditions could eliminate your consideration as a donor. Currently, there is a strong need for donations from minority groups. African-Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and Hispanics are susceptible to certain chronic conditions that affect the kidney, heart, lung, pancreas and liver.

Once you have made your decision, the hard part is over. To make it official and to avoid any legal issues later on, leave a living will. Furthermore, change the status on your license so that medical teams are aware of your choice. You may also assign power of attorney to someone you know will follow your wishes.

Author: Rayno

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