Tagged By atom

Why is an atom neutral?

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An atom is considered the most basic unit of matter, and it is considered neutral or neutrally-charged simply because it contains the same numbers of protons and electrons.  Protons and electrons have opposite charges, but&hellip

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Why is Atomic mass a decimal?

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Why is Atomic mass a decimal? Atomic mass is the total weight of a single atom that is comprised of the number of protons, electrons and neutrons. Most commonly expressed in unified atomic mass units&hellip

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Why Do Ions Form?

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Why Do Ions Form? You might have experienced this question when you were still doing your chemistry classes. As you may already know, an ion is an atom/molecule that doesn’t have the total number of&hellip

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Why do Atoms form bonds?

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Why do Atoms form bonds? Every object is made up of atoms of its kind. In the periodic table, we can find many elements with each one having specific characteristic atoms . The number provided&hellip

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