Tagged By Rain

Why do puddles dry up?

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Puddles are small areas on the ground wherein water accumulates.  Most puddles are created because of rain while others are formed from irrigation systems.  Most people in the cities get to see puddles along roads&hellip

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Why do Rainbows Arc?

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Why do Rainbows Arc? Rainbows are definitely a wonder to the sky and a delight to the eyes. Rainbows are typically formed when droplets of moisture in the Earth’s atmosphere are struck by the rays&hellip

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Why do Landslides occur?

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Why do Landslides occur? When there is a heavy rain and the ground becomes water logged, the land will not be able to hold water anymore. This state of the land gets converted into landslide.&hellip

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Why Does it Rain?


Before asking why, let us understand what rain is. Rain is basically a liquid precipitate (water) coming down from the sky. Let us also get a rough idea on some commonly used terms to describe&hellip

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