Monthly Archives For December 2012

Why is Social Security in trouble?

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Social Security in the U.S. refers to a form of insurance or benefits programs for people who reach their retirement age, for survivors, and for people with disabilities.  Through Social Security, these people are basically&hellip

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Why is oxidation important?

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Oxidation is a process wherein different substances react with oxygen.  Some people are familiar with this process when they think of rust build-up on metals like iron when they are exposed to oxygen.  This particular&hellip

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Why is ghee good for you?

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Ghee is a type of cooking oil that is widely used in India because of its reputation and health benefits.  Many people prefer ghee over common butter because the former product is associated more with&hellip

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Why is Bourbon only made in Kentucky?

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Bourbon is a type of whiskey that is considered an American-made product.  Much of Bourbon-labeled products are also made in Kentucky making people believe that all Bourbon is from Kentucky.  Technically, though, not all Bourbon&hellip

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Why is nudism illegal?

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“Nudism” refers to the yearning for public nudity to be accepted in public and to be a legally protected right.  Any person or group who promotes nudity in public settings is considered to be a&hellip

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Why is Rene Descartes famous?

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Rene Descartes was a French philosopher and mathematician back in the early 1600s.  During his time, he became famous for his contributions in the field of mathematics and philosophy.  With his various contributions in many&hellip

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Why do fevers cause nightmares?

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Nightmares are dreams that sometimes make people wake up during the night because of fear, panic, or anxiety.  When negative feelings are involved in dreams, they are usually classified as nightmares. This type of dream&hellip

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Why is Vespucci famous?

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Amerigo Vespucci, or simply Vespucci as many people would recall his name, is an Italian explorer and navigator.  He was considered the first to have discovered the so-called New World or the continents of North&hellip

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