Tagged By disease

Why are pesticides bad?

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Everyone knows to some extent that pesticides are harmful to the environment. But the impact of them on every person and the health of the public on the whole are not understood by many people.&hellip

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Why do Ears itch?

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Why do Ears itch? Before you put your finger or a q-tip on your ear and scratch the itchiness away, it is substantial to find out the reasons why your ears itch in the first&hellip

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Why is Pig unclean?

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Why is Pig unclean? Pig as we all know is an animal that lives in the filth and dirt. It was said in the Holy Scriptures by God that Eat not his flesh, nor touch&hellip

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Why do adults get chicken pox?

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Chicken pox is a disease that causes rashes on the body. This will lead further to serious illness. The symptoms are observed severely in adults than in children. Chicken pox generally occurs in pregnant women&hellip

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Why is Biopsy Done?

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Why is Biopsy Done? Biopsy is a medical procedure done when a small sample of tissue is removed from the body to check for the presence of abnormal cells. If a patient is found to&hellip

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