Tagged By Muscles

Why is stretching good for you?

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Stretching is a means of elongating muscle fibers to achieve optimum physical performance. Physical therapists, trainers, and health experts always promote stretching because it provides various benefits to the body. Stretching is good for the&hellip

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Why is equilibrium important?

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When one talks about “equilibrium,” it simply refers to a balanced or stable state.  This condition can usually be applied to the field of chemistry, which involves the study of chemical composition, structure, and behavior.&hellip

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Why is swimming fun?

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Swimming is a type of exercise which keeps the swimmers fit and healthy. The swimmers feel better healthwise most of the time. Not only is swimming beneficial to one’s health, it is considered a fun&hellip

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Why do shots hurt afterwards?

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Shots or injections are typically administered to the arm or other parts of the body, and many people complain about pain after receiving them.  These shots are typically vaccines or medicines to combat certain medical&hellip

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Why do calf muscles cramp?


The sudden intensive pain due to leg cramps in the night affects many people which takes away their sleep. People are awakened due to the pain in the legs which includes heavy contractions in the&hellip

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Why do Muscles get sore?

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Why do Muscles get sore? Muscles are found in almost all parts of the body. Composed mainly of contractile filaments, muscles have the ability to contract and relax which allows the body to move and&hellip

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Why do Humans need sleep?

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Why do Humans need sleep? Sleep is a natural state of unconsciousness, where all voluntary muscles are at rest and the nerves responsible for sensory stimulation are temporarily not functioning. There are different stages of&hellip

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