Monthly Archives For February 2010

Why is My Computer so Slow?


Why is my computer so slow? Computers run very slow sometimes due to many reasons. If the total memory was occupied by many background programs running simultaneously along with the main application, the performance will&hellip

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Why do We Dream?


Why Do We Dream? Dreams are series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during sleep. Dreams have been subjected to discussion since ancient times but only recently have they&hellip

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Why do Farts Stink?


Why do farts stink? A fart is a combination of many gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and methane that comes from our stomachs and intestines and leaves our anus. All of&hellip

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Why do people lie?

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Why do people lie? There are many reasons as to why a person would lie. Often, these lies are done because the person believes that it is the right thing to do at that particular&hellip

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Why do people smoke?


Why do people smoke? According to experts, smoking is one of the most addictive habits in the world making it one of the hardest to break. Even if the government and even the cigarette manufacturers&hellip

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