Similarities Between Observation and Inference

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As important as it is to know the differences between observation and inference, it is imperative you understand their similarities too. The two terms are extensively used in statistics to gather information and draw conclusions. In fact, they are so closely intertwined that a layman would see them as synonymous, but nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s look at the two terms in detail and try to understand the similarities between observation and inference.

What is Observation?

Observation is a fact based on what you can see, touch, taste, feel, or sense in some other way. It is the act of objectively gathering information or facts through the senses or using scientific instruments. Observations are something you can sense, so two people would always agree on what they observe. You observe people or things based on evidence or sensory information and can be either objective or subjective.

It entails observing or perceiving specific details or events in the outside world. Observations can be qualitative (descriptive) and/or quantitative (countable or measurable). They are usually true because they are backed by direct evidence or facts. Keywords related to observations include observation, observe, data, facts, details, and senses. Examples of observations would include:

  • The rabbit is eating carrots.
  • I heard a gunshot.
  • I saw someone running out of the house.

What is Inference?

Inference takes more thought. You get some clues from your observations to understand what you think might be happening. So, inference means to draw conclusions based on the observations and facts. It is a logical opinion you come to as a direct result of one or more observations. Inference is a logical interpretation drawn from evidence or observations. Based on the observations, deductions are made.

Two people can make different deductions or form different opinions based on similar observations. For example, “he likes to mow lawns” and “he is forced to mow lawns” – there are two different ideas, yet they can be both based on the same observation. Inference is using observations to make informed guesses or deductions. Some examples would include:

  • The mouse likes peanuts.
  • It is going to rain soon.
  • There is going to be traffic on that route.

Similarities between Observation and Inference

  1. Perception – Observation and inference both are based on the idea of perception; how you see or perceive things or people. They both require active involvement of senses to gather information to draw conclusions, either directly or through scientific instruments. However, inference is a logical interpretation drawn from evidence or observations.
  2. Evidence – Both observation and inference are based on evidence seen or observed. Observations are based on direct sensory input or measured data, whereas inferences are based on observed evidence and prior knowledge. Observations can be qualitative (descriptive) and/or quantitative (countable or measurable). Inference is using observations to make informed guesses.
  3. Subjectivity – They both can be subjective based on observations or facts. Observations can be often subjective and can be influenced by personal opinions and experiences or past events, and may be true or false. So, personal biases can still be present. Similarly, inference is subjective by nature because it is made by individuals, and it can be influenced by the individual based on his assumptions or perspectives.
  4. Contextual Dependence – Context can influence both observation and inference. They are dependent on the specific circumstances, conditions, and context in which they are carried out. The interpretation of observations and the validity of inferences can differ depending on the context.
  5. Iterative Process – They often involve an iterative process. Inferences are rational deductions that can be drawn from initial observations, which can then be used to guide subsequent observations or experiments. This cyclical nature aids in the refinement of understanding and the generation of new insights.


While there are differences between the two, it’s crucial to understand how similar they are. It’s worth noting that observations provide raw data, whereas inferences refer to interpreting and making sense of that data. Observation and inference are both important in scientific investigations and critical thinking processes because they contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Inferences are subjective because they are open to individual interpretation.


What is the difference between observe and infer?

To observe means to observe something or someone and gather information or facts through your senses. It is the act of perceiving and recording factual information. In contrast, inferring extends beyond what you can see and involves making educated guesses based on those observations.

What is the relationship between observations, inferences and hypotheses?

Observations are facts gathered through careful perception using your senses. Inferences are logical interpretations or conclusions drawn from observations or previously collected evidence. Hypotheses, on the other hand, are well-informed guesses or predictions based on observations and inferences.

What is an example of observation and inference?

Example of observation: A scientist makes an observation that a plant grown in direct sunlight grows taller than a plant grown in shade. The scientist observes the measurable difference in height between the two plants. This is an observation.

Example of inference: Based on his observations, the scientist infers that sunlight is an important factor in plant growth. This conclusion is reached by logically connecting the observed data with his existing knowledge about photosynthesis and the importance of sunlight to plants. This is an inference.

What are the similarities between observation and experiment?

  1. Both involve the collection of data and information.
  2. They aid in the gathering of empirical evidence.
  3. Both contribute to the generation of knowledge and understanding of phenomena.
  4. They are both iterative processes that can both inform and guide one another.

What are the similarities and differences in inferences and predictions?

Similarities: Inferences and predictions both involve making predictions about the future based on available data. They both need logical reasoning as well as the interpretation of data or evidence.

Differences: Predictions are concerned with anticipating future events or outcomes based on existing knowledge or patterns, whereas inferences are concerned with understanding the present or past based on existing evidence.

Author: Sagar Khillar

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