Why is NTP required in an NFS network?

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Why is NTP required in an NFS network?

NTP is the abbreviation for Network Time Protocol which is a set of rules that govern the time synchronization among computer systems. NTP is achieved by utilizing a packet switch that primarily functions as a digital networking communications method. As the most reliable method of date and time accuracy in most computer systems and technology servers, it is one protocol that is needed for the Network File System to appropriately function and be utilized maximally and optimally. Network File System or otherwise known as NFS is a series of policies that permit users to access files and data on a specific network. Originally developed by Suns Microsystems, NFS is an open networking system that gives its users the liberty to design, improve and implement the protocol. At the time the Network File System was released, it revolutionized particular versions to accommodate and cope up with the changing times.
Since the Network File System is a protocol that permits accessibility, the only system that will facilitate a well-supported, high-powered accessibility is through the use of Network Time Protocol, also known as NTP. NTP is required in an NFS network because it facilitates transfer of data and other information in a synchronized manner without compromising other important functions. In the presence of NTP, the NFS networl is able to work at a faster pace with increased reliability and efficiency. More so, NTP is required in an NFS network because it aids in securing the vitality of information and data being transferred and exchanged. It is a fact that NFS is made accessible to any user with the given idea that it utilizes an open source computing remote procedure call. It is therefore a requirement that NTP be aptly used in an NFS network system.

Author: plaza

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