Monthly Archives For February 2012

Why do toenails fall off?

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Some people experience a condition called “onychoptosis” which literally means “the toenails are falling off.”  This condition usually happens gradually with the inflammatory changes that happen on one’s toe/s. Fungus or fungal infections are said&hellip

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Why do shots hurt afterwards?

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Shots or injections are typically administered to the arm or other parts of the body, and many people complain about pain after receiving them.  These shots are typically vaccines or medicines to combat certain medical&hellip

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Why do sweaters pill?

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Many have sweaters, and they come in handy for a variety of reasons.  As its name implies, sweaters are often used by those who want to sweat, like in the case of exercising.  Sweaters are&hellip

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Why do male dogs mark?

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Many people notice dogs urinate on posts, walls, and plant pots as if they have a specific reason for picking such a spot. More often than not, the dogs that do these are male, and&hellip

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Why do minors drink?

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Drinking by minors and underage people is an ongoing problem in society.  In many countries in the world, kids are exposed early to this vice, and not many of them get out of this dilemma&hellip

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Why do pearls melt in vinegar?

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Pearls are comprised of about 90 per cent calcium carbonate, a small amount of water, and Conchiolin which is an organic protein present to bind the crystals. The pearl is composed of calcium carbonate. This&hellip

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Why do calf muscles cramp?


The sudden intensive pain due to leg cramps in the night affects many people which takes away their sleep. People are awakened due to the pain in the legs which includes heavy contractions in the&hellip

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Why do labia grow?

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Labia are two fat pads present to safeguard the vagina and clitoris of woman from injury. Overgrowth of labia is known as labial hypertrophy. Here, the labia are enlarged and grow disproportionately. The reasons for&hellip

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