Tagged By plants

Why is transpiration important ?

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Why is transpiration important ? Transpiration means the loss of water through evaporation and refers to trees specially. Question might arise that why the transpiration is important. Transpiration is important for both humans as well&hellip

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Why do houseplants turn yellow?

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Most plants have green leaves ranging from light green color to very dark hues. When these plants are in their natural environment, most of them will thrive and stay healthy despite the harshest of conditions.&hellip

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Why are pesticides bad?

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Everyone knows to some extent that pesticides are harmful to the environment. But the impact of them on every person and the health of the public on the whole are not understood by many people.&hellip

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Why Do Weeping Willows Weep?

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Why do weeping willows weep? Some plants possess the name which has biblical origin. One of them is called ‘burning bush’. A plant with scientific name of ‘Salix babylonica’ is called as weeping willow. The&hellip

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Why do Plants need sunlight?

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Why do Plants need sunlight? Plants prepare their own food and do not depend on others for food. Hence, plants are known as autotrophs and they survive without eating other organisms. The process with which&hellip

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Why do Mosquitoes bite?

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Why do Mosquitoes bite? They are everywhere. In the garden, at home, or even near your ears. They usually come out at night and annoy us when we are asleep. Mosquito is a common insect&hellip

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Why do Cells divide?

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Why do Cells divide? Living things are composed of cells. Human beings, plants and animals could not survive if they don’t have cells. Cells are the basic unit of life. Cells divide for many reasons.&hellip

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Why do Plants need water?

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Why do Plants need water? Although plants don’t have mouth to drink, they still need water in order to survive. Plants need water for a lot of reasons. Plants need water in order to dissolve&hellip

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Why is weather important?

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Why is weather important? Weather is important for both plants and animals to live comfortably and peacefully. In agricultural stations where most of the people are dependent on the rains, they need to know about&hellip

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Why is arugula bitter?

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Arugula is a common name for all the species of Brassicaceae family with pungent leaves. Arugula is the name especially given to Eruca sativa Mill. Arugula is also called as rocket, roquette, rugula, and rucola.&hellip

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Why do Gnats follow you?

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Why do Gnats follow you? Gnats are small insects that aggregate to form groups near warm regions as well as at damp regions. It is a common complaint by many people that gnats keep surrounding&hellip

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Why do Aquatic Plants Bubble?

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Why do Aquatic Plants Bubble? Plants are the living things in the world which causes good things to other living things including human. There are various types of plants like hydrophonic plants, plants that can&hellip

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Why do Flowers have Petals?

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Why do Flowers have Petals? Spring time is usually signaled by the blooming of flowers in the fields. It is a colorful time because of the abundance of flowers in different sizes, shapes and colors.&hellip

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