Monthly Archives For April 2011

Why do Phd?

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Why do Phd? PhD is the shortened form of one of the many advanced academic degrees offered by many universities, which is the Doctor of Philosophy. Emanating from the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, the&hellip

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Why is Glenn Beck so stupid?

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Why is Glenn Beck so stupid? For those like me who are not familiar with Glenn Beck, here’s a little information. Glenn Edward Lee Beck is an American conservative radio and television host, author, entrepreneur&hellip

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Why do Stereotypes exist?

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Why do Stereotypes exist? Stereotype is a common description about a group of people or an image of a person, which is done by observing some of the significant characteristic features in the behavior or&hellip

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Why is Climate changing?

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Why is Climate changing? Who would have thought that Middle East will get flooded due to heavy rainfall? How about Alaska having warm winters? Or what about the rapid melting of glaciers in the Himalayas?&hellip

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Why do Mormons marry so young?

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Why do Mormons marry so young? Mormons are the people who follow the Mormon fundamentalism and are part of Latter Day Saint movement. Mormon Church members have their own way of dating practices. The dating&hellip

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Why do Mexicans speak Spanish?

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Why do Mexicans speak Spanish? Mexicans occupy the Central American region which borders the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. English is considered as the de facto national language of United States. It is not&hellip

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Why is NH3 tetrahedral?

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Why is NH3 tetrahedral? NH3 is a chemical symbol for the compound ammonia. This chemical compound is basically formed from the basic elements of nitrogen and hydrogen, in the absence of water. As early as&hellip

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Why do Hotels have bibles?

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Why do Hotels have bibles? Hotels are provided with Bibles by a group called as Gideons. Gideons are a group of Christian individuals who normally distribute Bibles to hotels and hospitals. Earlier, they used to&hellip

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Why do Ducks quack?

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Why do Ducks quack? Most of the birds have the tendency to make noise continuously. In fact the noise made by the birds has been the concept for many of the poems written by the&hellip

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Why is John Locke important?

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Why is John Locke important? John Locke lived in the period between 1632 and 1704. He was one of the most popular political philosophers in the modern era. In his book Two Treatises of Government”,&hellip

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