Monthly Archives For September 2011

Why Do Honey Bee Sting?

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Why do honey bee sting? The honey bees will sting and cannot take back its barbed stinger. This stinger will be left behind along with the small portion of digestive tract, nerves and muscles on&hellip

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Why Do Fruits Produce Electricity?

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Why do fruits produce electricity? For generating electricity, there must be a power source present and a total circuit. In order to generate electricity from citrus fruit circuit, it is necessary to have materials like&hellip

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Why Do Windows Fog?

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Why do windows fog? Fog is considered as an intense collection of water drops which is same as the cloud. If the night is very cold, the heat that is absorbed by the ground from&hellip

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Why Do Tattoos Itch?

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Why do tattoos itch? Tattoos are wounds that are made deep into the skin and are filled with various colored inks. Tattoos are made by cutting the skin and penetrate inside with a needle and&hellip

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Why Do Periods Come Early?

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Why do periods come early? There are many issues that can cause the menstrual cycle in women to occur early. Some of them are stress and clinical conditions. The stress will influence the entire body&hellip

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Why Do Monsoons Occur?

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Why do monsoons occur? Monsoon is a yearly phenomenon in the weather. This monsoon will originate from the rotation of the earth with respect to the Sun. The winds of the monsoon are annual and&hellip

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Why Do Infants Smile?

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Why do infants smile? Babies are spotted to smile after about 12 weeks of their birth. These smiles might be from normal smiles to the big grins with opened mouth. As age progresses they smile,&hellip

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Why Do Ducks Migrate?

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Why do ducks migrate? There are some places like New York where small lakes, ponds and lagoons exist with the formation of heavy snow in them. The ducks will not be able to survive in&hellip

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Why Do Cavities Hurt?

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Why do cavities hurt? Children and adults both will have cavities in the teeth. If the person does not have any pain, it might be determined that the person has cavity. The presence of cavities&hellip

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Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

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Why do cats like boxes? Cats generally like to hide in small pits and boxes. The boxes will give a place for the cats to hide themselves. Cats that enter into the boxes tend to&hellip

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Why Do Blood Clots Form?

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Why do blood clots form? The clotting of blood or coagulation is a significant event which is responsible for stopping the excessive bleeding when the blood vessel is damaged. The platelets (blood cell type) and&hellip

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Why Do Chickens Molt?

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Why do Chickens Molt? Molting is the process carried out by the chicken by shedding all its feathers and renewing the feathers. The chicken during the molting process keeps the reproductive system in rest and&hellip

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Why Do PDF files not Open?

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Why do PDF files not open? The PDF files are not found to be opening in Google chrome web browser. If the PDF-viewer is disabled in the Google Chrome browser, the Adobe reader will help&hellip

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