Monthly Archives For June 2011

Why is food important?

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Why is food important? Food is any substance that is consumed by living things in order to live and survive. As part of the basic necessities of every living being and creature, food is considered&hellip

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Why do papayas smell different?

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Why do papayas smell different? One native fruit of the tropics, papaya is indigenously discovered from the country of Mexico, even before the Mesoamerican classic cultures emerged and was established. Otherwise known as papaw or&hellip

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Why do arrays start at zero?

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Why do arrays start at zero? Arrays are series of elements that have the same type, placed in adjacent positions. The elements can be individually used or utilized by attaching and index to a certain&hellip

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Why do bunnies lick you?

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Why do bunnies lick you? Rabbits are comically known as bunnies. As little members of the wild, bunnies nowadays can be widely found in any parts of the world. Pikas and hares are just two&hellip

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Why do prunes make you poop?

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Why do prunes make you poop? Prunes are one type of fruit that is originally among the variety of plums, specifically the Prunus domestica or European Plum. Usually sold in dry consistency, prunes are described&hellip

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Why do slugs have four noses?

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Why do slugs have four noses? Slimy as they are, slugs belong to the millions of creatures found in nature that are perceived by humans to be sanely disgusting. Slugs are typically snail like creatures&hellip

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Why is rap so popular?

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Why is rap so popular? To rap is one form of art that not all people can actually do without constant practice and mastery of words to use. Also known as emceeing, splitting or simply&hellip

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Why do college students cheat?

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Why do college students cheat? College is considered by many as the tail end of formal education. It is in this level where preparations for lifetime careers are sought and most people find it necessary&hellip

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Why do burns smell?

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Why do burns smell? Burning, scientifically named as combustion, is a series of chemical reactions that occur between a fuel and an oxidant, in the presence of heat. As this process occurs, chemical compounds and&hellip

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Why is sweat yellow?

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Why is sweat yellow? Sweat is the main product produced by most mammals, which is primarily composed of water and other minute elements. Contained within the human body are glands that are responsible for producing&hellip

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Why do testicles retract?

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Why do testicles retract? Testicles are organs distinct only to men. As a component of the reproductive system and the endocrine system, testicles specifically function in the production of sperm cells and androgens or male&hellip

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Why do shoes squeak?

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Why do shoes squeak? Shoes are commonly worn type of footwear that is more opted, especially when various activities are involved. The first known kind of shoes is the sandals, which was discovered in 1938&hellip

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Why is dubai so rich?

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Why is dubai so rich? Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates that has obviously gained popularity all over the world. Regarded as the emirate having the largest population, Dubai&hellip

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Why is due process important?

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Why is due process important? Due process is commonly acquainted in the aspects of politics, particularly in the promulgation of legal rights and policies. Due process is formally defined as the principle that is highly&hellip

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Why do tariffs exist?

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Why do tariffs exist? The term tariff is derived from the Arabic word, taārif, which means fees to be paid. Tariffs are actually charged taxes particularly in the importation and exportation of goods and services&hellip

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Why do texts get delayed?

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Why do texts get delayed? Text messaging or simply texting is described as the exchange of written messages on one’s mobile phone towards another person via a recognized network. The sender of a text message&hellip

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Why do sharks migrate?

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Why do sharks migrate? Sharks have been known as early as more than four hundred years ago. Sharks are one species of fish that possesses a full cartilaginous skeleton with a highly streamlined body. Known&hellip

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