Monthly Archives For June 2011

Why is bankruptcy bad

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Why is bankruptcy bad The word bankruptcy itself has a known horrible social and economic connotation that sticks with the person for as long as the individual can settle all his/her account. For this reason,&hellip

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Why do Rastafarians have dreadlocks

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Why do Rastafarians have dreadlocks One of the most trendy, considerably cool”, and recognizable ways of wearing one’s hair is through dreadlocks”. The hairstyle has always been linked with Bob Marley, Jamaicans, and believed to&hellip

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Why is inflation bad

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Why is inflation bad Inflation in layman’s term is the economic condition wherein the prices of goods and services are continuously rising. It is also viewed as the decline in the value of money thus&hellip

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Why is gorilla endangered

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Why is gorilla endangered Gorillas are often portrayed as savage beasts that are big and scary with the likes of King Kong” and as protagonist in movies like Conan the Barbarian” and ”Tarzan”. In reality,&hellip

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Why do squirrels bark?

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Why do squirrels bark? Barking is an animal behavior commonly known among dogs. However,that is not just dogs that are able to bark. There are various kinds of wild animals that do bark which includes&hellip

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Why is Athena important

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Why is Athena important Athena is one of the most popular and perhaps well loved Greek goddesses in Mythology. The meaning of her name is a mystery, and the story of her birth is fascinating.&hellip

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Why is hieroglyphics important

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Why is hieroglyphics important Hieroglyphics is an adjective word that is often mistakenly used as a noun in exchange for the word hieroglyphs which means sacred engraved letters. Hieroglyphs are important since it is believed&hellip

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Why do burps smell

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Why do burps smell People burp after a hearty meal, and it is often perceived as an indication of a satisfied feasting on food. In actuality, burping is a natural process that the body produces&hellip

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Why is jogging good?

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Why is jogging good It has been a popular knowledge that jogging is good for the health. And, there are various expert and researches that proves jogging is indeed a healthful form of exercise. To&hellip

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Why is magna carta important

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Why is magna carta important Magna Carta Liberatum, or simply Magna Carta, means Great Charter of Freedoms” in English. It is considered as the most influential legal document that was ever written in the history&hellip

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Why is excel so important

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Why is excel so important Excel is one of the most popularly used electronic spreadsheet program worldwide. It is frequently used by various sectors like businesses or corporations, volunteer groups, students, teachers, researchers, scientists, accountants,&hellip

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Why do proteins fold

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Why do proteins fold When talking about proteins, it always leads us to thinking about an important nutrient needed by the body to function normally. But, did you know that proteins can be more than&hellip

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Why do knives rust

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Why do knives rust Knives rust because it is usually made out of steel. Steel is a type of alloy that contains iron, and iron is prone to rusting. Even stainless steel that is made&hellip

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Why do leopards have spots

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Why do leopards have spots According to the story titled How the Leopard Got His Spots” by Rudyard Kipling, the rosette patterned skin of the leopards came from fingerprints of a man. Quite an entertaining&hellip

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Why do sandals smell?

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Why do sandals smell? Sandals are one form of footwear that is typically open on the toes. As outdoor footwear, sandals are consisting of straps that are wrapped around the ankles for security. Even dating&hellip

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Why do squirrels bury nuts?

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Why do squirrels bury nuts? Squirrels are small or medium sized animals that belong to the family of rodents. As indigenous specie in the regions of America, Eurasia and Africa, the existence of squirrels have&hellip

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Why do slugs die from salt?

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Why do slugs die from salt? Slugs are described as slimy creatures of nature that many people find to be rather disgusting. Typically found as a shell-less creature, slugs are characterized to be legless, elongated,&hellip

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Why do bipolar people lie?

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Why do bipolar people lie? Bipolar disorder is considered to be one major psychiatric disorder that greatly affects the function of the brain. People with bipolar disorder have unpredictable shifts in one’s mood, energy, activity&hellip

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Why do poets use alliteration

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Why do poets use alliteration Language and literature are two fields of study that individually possess complex characteristics. However, their use has significantly created a whole new impact to the many concepts that taps on&hellip

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Why do coyotes yelp?

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Why do coyotes yelp? Otherwise known as American jackal or prairie wolf, coyotes are species of canine that is more commonly inhabited in the regions of North and Central America, ranging from Panama in the&hellip

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Why do moths eat wool?

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Why do moths eat wool? Found to be closely related to butterflies, moths are usually named as heterocera, primarily to place distinction between the two creatures. It was in 16th century that the terms maggot&hellip

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Why do moths eat clothes?

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Why do moths eat clothes? Moths are insects that have been found to be closely related to butterflies. Otherwise termed as heterocera, moths are given such name to make it distinct from the butterflies. Moths&hellip

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Why do sinuses swell?

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Why do sinuses swell? Sinuses are part of the human anatomy that is most commonly associated with the body’s defenses. Derived from the Latin language, sinus can mean a bay, pocket, curve or bosom. A&hellip

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Why do raspberries have hair?

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Why do raspberries have hair? Raspberries are one famous fruit that is evidently loved by many.  While some countries are deprived of producing such interesting kind of fruit, raspberries are cultivated and harvested all year&hellip

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Why do judges use a gavel?

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Why do judges use a gavel? Judges are public entities that are primarily responsible in presiding over court trials as well as other legal proceedings. There are several functions that judges’ delve into. Aside from&hellip

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Why do dachshunds shake?

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Why do dachshunds shake? Dachshunds are part of the hound family that is usually described as dogs with short legs but have long bodies. Coming from the German language, the word dachshund literally means badger&hellip

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Why do cold sores appear?

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Why do cold sores appear? Medically studied to be caused by a virus, cold sores are evidently small, painful, fluid filled blister that most commonly affects the mouth, lips or nose. Also known as oral&hellip

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Why is mitosis important?

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Mitosis is the scientific and biological process that involves the separation of one single cell, thereby producing two identical sets of cells, each of which contains a nucleus. After following a certain specific cycle that&hellip

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Why is achilles a hero?

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Why is achilles a hero? Achilles is one famous name in the concept of Greek mythology. He was proclaimed to be the Greek hero during the Trojan War and was the main protagonist and the&hellip

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Why is law necessary?

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Why is law necessary? The term, law, is a word that is universally known. Laws are principles being promulgated to define and establish relationship of things, people and matter that exist in the world. In&hellip

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Why gasoline so high?

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Why gasoline so high? Most commonly produced by the production of crude oil through the process of fractional distillation, gasoline is a petroleum derived mixture of liquid that mainly serves as fuel for engines and&hellip

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Why is minecraft not working?

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Why is minecraft not working? Minecraft is a game produced and published by a company labeled as Mojang. It is an indepentdent type of video game that allows its players to display their unique sense&hellip

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