
Why do coyotes yelp?

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Why do coyotes yelp? Otherwise known as American jackal or prairie wolf, coyotes are species of canine that is more commonly inhabited in the regions of North and Central America, ranging from Panama in the&hellip

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Why do moths eat wool?

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Why do moths eat wool? Found to be closely related to butterflies, moths are usually named as heterocera, primarily to place distinction between the two creatures. It was in 16th century that the terms maggot&hellip

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Why do moths eat clothes?

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Why do moths eat clothes? Moths are insects that have been found to be closely related to butterflies. Otherwise termed as heterocera, moths are given such name to make it distinct from the butterflies. Moths&hellip

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Why do raspberries have hair?

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Why do raspberries have hair? Raspberries are one famous fruit that is evidently loved by many.  While some countries are deprived of producing such interesting kind of fruit, raspberries are cultivated and harvested all year&hellip

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Why do dachshunds shake?

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Why do dachshunds shake? Dachshunds are part of the hound family that is usually described as dogs with short legs but have long bodies. Coming from the German language, the word dachshund literally means badger&hellip

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Why do papayas smell different?

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Why do papayas smell different? One native fruit of the tropics, papaya is indigenously discovered from the country of Mexico, even before the Mesoamerican classic cultures emerged and was established. Otherwise known as papaw or&hellip

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Why do bunnies lick you?

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Why do bunnies lick you? Rabbits are comically known as bunnies. As little members of the wild, bunnies nowadays can be widely found in any parts of the world. Pikas and hares are just two&hellip

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Why do slugs have four noses?

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Why do slugs have four noses? Slimy as they are, slugs belong to the millions of creatures found in nature that are perceived by humans to be sanely disgusting. Slugs are typically snail like creatures&hellip

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Why do sharks migrate?

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Why do sharks migrate? Sharks have been known as early as more than four hundred years ago. Sharks are one species of fish that possesses a full cartilaginous skeleton with a highly streamlined body. Known&hellip

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Why is friction important?

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Why is friction important? As the master of all movements, friction is one important element in matter and in nature. Friction is basically defined as the energy whereby resistance is met when objects, solid surfaces&hellip

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Why do guinea pigs whistle?

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Why do guinea pigs whistle? Guinea pigs are found to make noises like whistling. There is no specific reason for their whistles. Some say that they whistle due to pain and some say that whistling&hellip

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Why do Deer blow?

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Why do Deer blow? Normally when we go to the deer stand and suddenly the deer blows and disappear, it means that the people over there were giving some wrong indication. Generally, deer ‘blow’ when&hellip

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Why do Lakes turnover?

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Why do Lakes turnover? Lakes are found to have turnover” during the spring and in the fall. The spring turnover is of more important to the fishermen who work in spring season. The lake turnover&hellip

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Why is Angry birds so popular?

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Why is Angry birds so popular? Angry birds is title of a game application that was developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile. The game was created and made to be compatible with Apple’s iOS, which was&hellip

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Why do Reindeer have antlers?

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Why do Reindeer have antlers? The Reindeer is observed to have antlers. The male and female reindeer of the species have antlers. The antlers are solid bone tissue with the shape of honey combed structure.&hellip

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Why is Aye aye endangered?

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Why is Aye aye endangered? Aye aye is one native animal of Madagascar. Classified under the order of primates, aye aye is considered to be a lemure. As the world’s largest nocturnal primate, aye aye&hellip

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Why do Silverfish appear?

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Why do Silverfish appear? The silver fish scientifically called as Lepisma saccharina are considered as more primitive than cockroaches. Silver fish are common household pests throughout North America, Europe and Australia. They do not have&hellip

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Why do Guinea pigs purr?

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Why do Guinea pigs purr? Guinea pigs are small animals belonging to the species of rats or rodents. Otherwise known as cavy, its name does not at all relate to its origin. This highly domesticated&hellip

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Why do Blizzards form?

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Why do Blizzards form? The heavy winds along with intense snowfall at the temperature of subzero are the ideal environment for the ‘blizzard’ formation. The area or region that consists of air flow at very&hellip

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Why do Leopard geckos dig?

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Why do Leopard geckos dig? Leopard gecko’s habit of digging can be troublesome to many people. This act of geckos can be considered as if something was wrong in their living style. Digging is the&hellip

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Why do Guinea pigs jump?

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Why do Guinea pigs jump? As it is otherwise known as cavy, guinea pigs are small animals belonging to the species of rats or rodents. Despite its name, this animal possesses its own unique characteristics,&hellip

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Why do Alpacas spit?

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Why do Alpacas spit? Alpacas were recognized by the United Nations Food and Agricultural organization as it can provide the people with protein and other important nutrition. Alpacas are very rare and exotic animals that&hellip

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Why is NYC so humid?

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Why is NYC so humid? Humidity is part of an atmospheric climate and is the measure of the amount of water vapor found in it. Having three types, absolute, specific and relative humidity, humidity measures&hellip

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Why do Pugs lick?

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Why do Pugs lick? Many people, who have pugs as pets, often see them licking the human faces or anything that it likes. Pugs also lick their own mouth and their feet. It is felt&hellip

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Why is Climate changing?

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Why is Climate changing? Who would have thought that Middle East will get flooded due to heavy rainfall? How about Alaska having warm winters? Or what about the rapid melting of glaciers in the Himalayas?&hellip

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Why do Ducks quack?

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Why do Ducks quack? Most of the birds have the tendency to make noise continuously. In fact the noise made by the birds has been the concept for many of the poems written by the&hellip

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Why is Pig unclean?

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Why is Pig unclean? Pig as we all know is an animal that lives in the filth and dirt. It was said in the Holy Scriptures by God that Eat not his flesh, nor touch&hellip

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Why is pig Haraam?

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Why is pig Haraam? Pig meat is forbidden in Islam. The word Haraam’ refers to forbidding or avoiding in Arabic language. Generally it is the practice that animals are slaughtered by cutting at their neck&hellip

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Why Do Stars Flicker?

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Why Do Stars Twinkle? The observation of innumerable shining stars in the night sky is an amazing experience. But the question is ‘why do the stars twinkle?’ The answer is not simple because it lies&hellip

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Why should Zoos stay open?

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Why should Zoos stay open? A zoo is an established purposely built to house and feed animals, which may be viewed by the public. Before zoos were constructed, a menagerie was used for keeping common&hellip

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Why do Mosquito bites itch?

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Why do Mosquito bites itch? Widely distributed throughout different countries in the world, mosquitoes are now able to thrive in both warm and cool environments. Mosquito is under the class of insect which is derived&hellip

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Why do Cats like catnip?

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Why do Cats like catnip? Catnip is an herb native to Europe and Asia. It is a member of Mint Family with its official name Nepeta Cataria. Its active ingredient is Nepetalactone which attracts cats.&hellip

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Why do Landslides occur?

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Why do Landslides occur? When there is a heavy rain and the ground becomes water logged, the land will not be able to hold water anymore. This state of the land gets converted into landslide.&hellip

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Why do Tectonic plates move?

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Why do Tectonic plates move? Tectonic plates comprise of crust and upper mantle rock. The upper mantle rock is less dense than the denser mantle. The increase and decrease of convection currents in the mantle&hellip

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Why do Plants need sunlight?

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Why do Plants need sunlight? Plants prepare their own food and do not depend on others for food. Hence, plants are known as autotrophs and they survive without eating other organisms. The process with which&hellip

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Why is Space cold?

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Why is Space cold? It is the fact that any matter will have certain temperature which is obtained from the molecular speed. If the molecules are faster in the matter then the material becomes warm.&hellip

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Why do Sharks attack?

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Why do Sharks attack? Sharks attack the humans and it is reported that about 60 attacks by the shark occurred all over the world. Shark attacks are shown mostly in the series of Jaws”. Some&hellip

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Why do Mosquitoes bite?

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Why do Mosquitoes bite? They are everywhere. In the garden, at home, or even near your ears. They usually come out at night and annoy us when we are asleep. Mosquito is a common insect&hellip

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Why do Cats eat grass?

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Why do Cats eat grass? Cats can be a vegetarian is we allow them to be. Oftentimes, we observe our cats eating grass rather than feasting with fish or cat food. This is normal for&hellip

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