Monthly Archives For December 2013

Why is transpiration important ?

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Why is transpiration important ? Transpiration means the loss of water through evaporation and refers to trees specially. Question might arise that why the transpiration is important. Transpiration is important for both humans as well&hellip

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Why is myelin sheath important?

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Why is myelin sheath important? Human body is a creation of the greatest scientists of all. And every single part of its body has its own activity and importance. There are a lot of details&hellip

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Why is more ram better ?

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Why is more ram better ? With the invention of various technological instruments the human races have been moving ahead. Computer has been one of the greatest inventions of science. And RAM ( Random Access&hellip

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Why do NHL players grow beards?

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Why do NHL players grow beards? The National Hockey League is a premier professional ice hockey league with 23 clubs franchised in the US and 7 in Canada. The most important league trophy is the&hellip

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Why do cobras spit venom?

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Why do cobras spit venom? Cobras are one of the most fearsome species of snake in the world. Partly this is because of their venomous bite. Cobras, when they bite, have neurotoxic venom, which can&hellip

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Why Do Hindus Not Eat Beef?

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Many devout Hindus do not eat meat in general and beef in particular because of the teaching of the principle of sanctity of life and nonviolence toward animals that is central to the faith. However,&hellip

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Why Do Ponzi Schemes Collapse?

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Ponzi schemes collapse because, by definition, these schemes are fraudulent ventures used to lure money of investors with no operational profit-making businesses in place. The purpose of the Ponzi scheme is that the person initiating&hellip

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Why Do Porcupines Have Quills?

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Porcupines have quills as its evolutionary defensive mechanism against predators and threats. The presence of quills on is skin primarily deter a predator from touching and physically harming the porcupine. These also play a significant&hellip

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Why Do Sewers Back Up?

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Sewers back up because of sewage drains clogging, lack of sewerage maintenance and a number of other reasons contributing to the blocking including flood water. Other not much common reasons of sewage backing up could&hellip

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Why Do Beagles Howl?

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Beagles howl because they are hunting dogs and do so as a reaction to certain stimuli or to express themselves. To explain it in the simplest way, beagles like to howl. As hunting hounds, beagles&hellip

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Why do gummy bears grow in water?

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Gummy bears are chewy and gelatin-filled candies that many children and even adults love.  These sweet treats are shaped into cute little bears with different shapes and sizes corresponding to a variety of flavors.  With&hellip

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Why do ignition coils fail?

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Ignition coils refer to a bunch of wires that are literally needed by any car engine during the start-up or ignition process. For engines to work, the right amount of electricity must pass through these&hellip

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Why is deodorant flammable ?

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There are a lot of brands of deodorant in the market. And in modern times there is hardly anyone out there in the world who hasn’t tried out any of them. Almost everybody has their&hellip

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Why do hospitals smell?

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Ever notice that curious smell in hospitals? Most of us have. While it doesn’t take long to realize that it is there for a reason, most of us don’t know what it is. Hospitals need&hellip

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Why do elks have antlers?

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The elks are the largest members of the deer family. Elks are usually found in prairie regions, and can usually adapt to different ecosystems. Their most characteristic features by far are the antlers protruding from&hellip

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Why Do Sebaceous Cysts Form?

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Sebaceous cysts form because of swollen and clogged hair follicles, blocked sebaceous glands and excessive testosterone production. Hereditary conditions such as basal cell nevus syndrome and Gardner’s Syndrome are also considered as causes behind sebaceous&hellip

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Why Do Boxers Tape Their Hands?

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Boxers tape their hands to protect them from damage that results from repeated punching, particularly from the damage to tendons, joints, bones and muscles of the hand. Amateur and professional boxers also use a piece&hellip

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Why Do Implants Fail?

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Implants fail because of a number of reasons including health problems, nutritional deficiencies, surgical errors, inadequate analysis and manufacturing errors or substandard fixtures. Dental implants fail if the dentists don’t follow correct surgical procedures, shortcut&hellip

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Why Do HCG Levels Rise?

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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced in the body by the trophoblastic cells of the chorionic membrane. The rise in the levels of HCG is mostly due to change in the normal physiology&hellip

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Why Do Ice Dams Form?

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Ice dams form for different reasons depending on the location of their formation. Glaciers flowing down valleys can block the flow of unfrozen rivers, creating ice dam lakes. Rivers in a cold climate can sometimes&hellip

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What is friendly fire?

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Friendly fire refers to an attack or firing of guns and weapons on fellow soldiers or allies while trying to dispose off enemies.  These situations are typically accidental in nature and may result to injury&hellip

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Why do hindus wear a red dot ?

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A question like why do Hindus wear a red dot is very difficult to answer as the red dot means something again nothing. Breaking the words ‘It means something again nothing’ means here that now&hellip

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Why do ceiling fans make noise?

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Ceiling fans are a blessing in hot areas. With climate change pushing temperatures in to extremes, people all over the world are looking at different ways of keeping cool or keeping warm. Ceiling fans can&hellip

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