Monthly Archives For July 2010

Why is Computer Fan so Loud?

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Why is Computer Fan so Loud? The latest computers have temperature sensors which are monitored by a separate circuit. This circuit keeps track of the temperature and if this goes up, then it triggers the&hellip

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Why is Computer Beeping?

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Why is Computer Beeping? People might have come across beeps some time while using an old computer. Beeps might occur if there are any problems with power, BIOS, CPU, memory and video. In order to&hellip

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Why are Enzymes Important?

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Why are Enzymes Important? Enzymes are called biological catalysts. A catalyst is a molecule that can enhance the rate of a chemical or biochemical reaction. It brings the reactants together and facilitates the reaction to&hellip

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Why Do Lions Roar?

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Why Do Lions Roar? Like all other unique sounds that are made by other animals, roaring is also a signature for communication in the case of the lion which is generally considered as the king&hellip

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Why use a Humidifier?

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Why use a Humidifier? The human body needs a certain amount of moisture found in the air in order to function properly. When the moisture found in the air is too low, we experience dryness&hellip

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Why Are Gypsies Hated?


Why Are Gypsies Hated? Unfortunately, people have a very tribal sense of themselves and people like themselves: there is ‘us, and ‘them,. Not only is it very difficult to escape while even talking about people,&hellip

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Why Are Guys Such Jerks?

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Why Are Guys Such Jerks? Unfortunately, communication between the sexes is a very difficult topic to approach. Men often think of women as needy, clingy, nagging, or objects; and women think of men as unemotional,&hellip

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Why Does ZZZ mean sleep?

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Why Does ZZZ mean sleep? Actually, this originated when comic strips before comic strips became very popular and the artists needed something to signify that a character was simply asleep. It soon turned into a&hellip

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Why Do Ladybugs Smell?


Why Do Ladybugs Smell? Ladybugs actually have a certain offensive smell as a defensive mechanism. The smell has often been likened to raw potatoes, a moldy odor or burnt peanuts. The chemical that causes this,&hellip

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Why Do Dogs Howl?

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Like humans, dogs too have different forms of communication. They use a variety of sounds to express their needs or desires. These include barking, whining, growling or howling. Dog howling is believed to be trait&hellip

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Why Do Ears pop?

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Why do ears pop? We all see our two ears visible outside as ear-pinna. Inside through the pinna traverses ear canal and it ends up into ear drum which is a thin layer that is&hellip

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Why do dogs eat Poop?


Why do dogs eat poop? Dogs do not have any idea about the nutritional content of the food that they eat so do not be surprised if you caught them eating poop. Their ancestors learned&hellip

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Why do KKK burn crosses?

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Why do KKK burn crosses? KKK stands for Ku Klux Klan, an organization who identifies themselves as Christians who tries to squeeze under the protected speech of the First Amendment. One of the most notable&hellip

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Why Does Rigor Mortis Occur?

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Why Does Rigor Mortis Occur? It is always been quite the phenomenon trying to figure out exactly what happens to the human body after someone dies. There are many different steps that occur inside and&hellip

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Why Does House Limp?

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Why Does House Limp? House is a character from the television show, House, M.D. focusing on Dr. Gregory House, played by an incredible actor, Hugh Laurie. House’s limp is due to an infarction that happened&hellip

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Why Do Nails Rust?

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Why Do Nails Rust? Nails are generally made of steel, which does not rust. But there is often a good amount of iron within the nail. Specifically, rust is a product of iron, but it&hellip

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Why Do Llamas Spit?


Why Do Llamas Spit? First of all, yes, llamas do spit. But not for the reasons that you would think; many people are under the impression that they spit as an aggressive ‘Back off!, statement,&hellip

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Why Do Old People Smell?

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Why Do Old People Smell? First of all, not all old people smell bad. It really varies from person to person. There are some controllable and some not so controllable reasons for those elderly folk&hellip

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Why Do I Have Green Poop?


Why Do I Have Green Poop? There are many different reasons that you can have green bowel movements, but there are 3 main reasons that cause the majority of green colored poop. Usually there is&hellip

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Why Does Black Absorb Heat?


Why Does Black Absorb Heat? Black as a color absorbs heat because of specific properties of the color and of the light. When light shines on an object, the object’s color either absorbs or reflects&hellip

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Why Do Animals Migrate?

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Why Do Animals Migrate? Humans used to migrate too, believe it or not. Migration is the movement of a group of animals depending on seasons or availability of resources. They migrate to warmer climates during&hellip

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Why Do Roses Have Thorns?

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Why Do Roses Have Thorns? A very interesting question, and this can be answered from a number of different perspectives. Philosophically speaking, the rose is a very symbolic image of love. It can be said&hellip

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Why Do Nations Trade?

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Why Do Nations Trade? Nations trade between each other for a few different reasons, the main of which is the fact that one nation has a commodity that another nation does not have ‘š this&hellip

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