Monthly Archives For February 2011

Why is Aqworlds so laggy?

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Why is Aqworlds so laggy? Lag is a term for choppy game play and can be cause by many different reasons. Bad internet connection, bad servers, bad graphics card and other running programs in the&hellip

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Why should Animals have rights?

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Why should Animals have rights? Animals also have a role in the human society. In the beginning stages of civilization, animals were killed for getting food. As the civilization progressed the skin of animals were&hellip

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Why is Windows so popular?

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Why Windows is so popular? In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as&hellip

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Why is Otzi special?

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Why is Otzi special? A German couple, who were climbing the Alps Mountains in the year 1991 and in the month of September, could identify a human corpse buried in the ice. They saw the&hellip

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Why is Overstock so cheap?

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Why is Overstock so cheap? Vendors who plan to sell the products which they have bought from the department stores can get a countable profit. The profit that they get depends on the price with&hellip

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Why is Saffron so expensive?

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Why is Saffron so expensive? Most of the spices are generally expensive. Saffron is also a spice which appears in reddish yellow color and it is known to possess lot of health benefits. Saffron offers&hellip

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Why is Soy bad for you?

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Why is Soy bad for you? Soya bean has so many positive aspects that the negatives that are present in them will not be experienced. The isoflavones that are present in the soya beans will&hellip

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Why is risk management important?

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Why is risk management important? Risk management is a technique whereby the effects of uncertainty regarding a project or procedure is identified, assessed and prioritized. It is then, analyzed and acted on to minimize the&hellip

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Why do laws change?

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Why do laws change? The term law is most commonly used in referring to a principle that is universally applied. It is used to explain the fundamental nature of things and relationships that exist. Law&hellip

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Why was Vincent Jackson suspended?

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Why was Vincent Jackson suspended? Vincent Jackson is a National Football League (NFL) player under the team of San Diego Chargers. Famous for his nickname, Action Jackson, he became one of the few selected players&hellip

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Why was Enkidu created?

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Why was Enkidu created? Enkidu is one of the most enduring characters of the Epic of Gilgamesh. This epic poetry originated from Mesopotamia and became the earliest known form of literature. Gilgamesh, who is the&hellip

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Why is spm in jail?

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Why is spm in jail? SPM stands for South Park Mexican. South Park Mexican, who was born to a name of Carlos Coy, is a famous American rapper and founder of Dope House Records in&hellip

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Why is rest important?

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Why is rest important? Rest is medically defined as a man’s state of repose. It simply means to cease from work or activity. But in today’s society, most of the people don’t know the meaning&hellip

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Why is Naruto so popular?

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Why is Naruto so popular? Naruto is one of the comics and print cartoons in the Japanese language. This is an ongoing Japanese series that is based on a stand-alone story created by Kishimoto. It&hellip

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Why was Pennsylvania founded?

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Why was Pennsylvania founded? Pennsylvania is jus t one among the 50 states of America. Surrounded by famous landmarks such as Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Canada, Maryland, Ohio and West Virginia, the state of&hellip

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Why should judges be elected?

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Why should judges be elected? A judge is a public entity that presides over a court trial. Included in the scope of a judge’s functions are hearing over a trial, resolve differences between lawyers, make&hellip

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Why was Christopher Columbus a villain?


Why was Christopher Columbus a villain? Christopher Columbus was a known explorer, colonizer and navigator. A native of Genoa, Italy, many attest that Columbus never wrote in his native language. His intelligence and ambitious attitude&hellip

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Why is sperm white?

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Why is sperm white? Many studies have shown that men produce 2 to 5 milliliters of semen with a sperm count of not less than 20 million per milliliter. That is why it is not&hellip

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Why was UFO Hunters cancelled?

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Why was UFO Hunters cancelled? UFO Hunters is a series aired in History Channel. UFO Hunters is one of the many American documentary television series that ran for three seasons since it first aired last&hellip

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Why was Outlaw cancelled?

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Why was Outlaw cancelled? Starred by Jimmy Smits as Cyrus Garza, Outlaw is an American TV series that was launched last September 15, 2010 and runs for an hour every Friday. This TV series was&hellip

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Why should schools have uniforms?


Why should schools have uniforms? School uniforms are a set of standardized clothes that are intended to be worn at academic institutions. Schools in different countries of the world have varied perceptions on the wearing&hellip

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Why did Obama go to Mumbai?

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Why did Obama go to Mumbai? Mumbai is the capital of the country India. Its name was derived from the goddess of Koli, Mumbadevi and the mother in language of Marathi, Aai. The combination of&hellip

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Why is Oedipus cursed?

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Why is Oedipus cursed? Oedipus is a mythical Greek character. His name is a British English translation of swollen foot. An heir to the king and queen of Thebes, Oedipus was an abandoned infant. He&hellip

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Why do men eat pineapple?

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Why do men eat pineapple? Pineapple is an edible fruit more commonly found in tropical areas. As it can be eaten in a variety of ways, it can also incorporated in salads, main courses and&hellip

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Why is scientific method important?

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Why is scientific method important? The scientific method is a technique primarily used in science to orderly and rationally performs procedures to obtain a result or conclusion. This method is used to aid in organizing&hellip

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Why is oatmeal healthy?

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Why is oatmeal healthy? Avena Sativa, most popularly known as oats, belongs to the category of cereal grains. The history of oats can be dated back to the 12th century B.C., in the land of&hellip

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Why do lungs collapse?

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Why do lungs collapse? Air is a vital element that stimulates the person to breathe. This process is called ventilation. In ventilation, also known as breathing, the function of the respiratory system, particularly the lungs,&hellip

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