Posts By Hari M

Why is Symbolism important?

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Why is Symbolism important? When we like to communicate with others through small messages, we tend to make use of symbols. To communicate with others we need to formulate our thoughts into sentences by using&hellip

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Why was Connecticut founded?

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Why was Connecticut founded? The Connecticut was an English colony situated in British America and later became the Connecticut state of United States. Initially the English colony was called as River Colony and later in&hellip

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Why do Landslides occur?

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Why do Landslides occur? When there is a heavy rain and the ground becomes water logged, the land will not be able to hold water anymore. This state of the land gets converted into landslide.&hellip

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Why do Tectonic plates move?

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Why do Tectonic plates move? Tectonic plates comprise of crust and upper mantle rock. The upper mantle rock is less dense than the denser mantle. The increase and decrease of convection currents in the mantle&hellip

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Why is Homeostasis important?

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Why is Homeostasis important? Homeostasis is the phenomenon which is carried out in the human body to maintain the constant internal environment. Homeostasis is an automatic process which will take care of the temperature and&hellip

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Why do Plants need sunlight?

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Why do Plants need sunlight? Plants prepare their own food and do not depend on others for food. Hence, plants are known as autotrophs and they survive without eating other organisms. The process with which&hellip

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Why is Racism bad?

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Why is Racism bad? Every human being in this world is born with a common body type. If people are born with different skin color or born in different social groups the purpose or goal&hellip

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Why is Typing important?

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Why is Typing important? The world is moving forward with rapid improvement in new technologies. The usage of computer s has become almost necessary and knowledge in computers has become inevitable. As the new gadgets&hellip

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Why do Addicts crave sugar?

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Why do Addicts crave sugar? There is an opinion among some people that drug addicts crave for sugar as they already experienced it while taking alcohol. They would prefer to have sugar directly, as they&hellip

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Why do Groups form?

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Why do Groups form? Achieving something individually is not very easy for any one. Working in groups will make the people to organize the plans effectively and successfully. Groups will alter the organization plans and&hellip

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Why do Magnets attract?

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Why do Magnets attract? Magnets are the only objects that can have control on other objects without having contact with them. If a magnet is kept closer to another object, it will either repel or&hellip

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Why do Underarms sweat?

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Why do Underarms sweat? Hyperhidrosis is otherwise known as excessive sweating. This is a common disorder that causes excessive discomfort to the people. Sweating under the arms is called as Axillary Hyperhidrosis and this is&hellip

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Why do Eggs float?

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Why do Eggs float? If the eggs are carefully placed in the fresh cold water based on the extent of its freshness, it attains its position inside water. If the egg sinks completely and remains&hellip

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Why is Skins called skins?

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Why is Skins called skins? The British teen drama called Skins has won BAFTA award. This drama series involves a group of teenagers living in Bristol and South West England. This drama deals with issues&hellip

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Why is Tylenol being recalled?

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Why is Tylenol being recalled? Several over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, Motrin, and Benadryl are being recalled by the manufacturing companies. They recalled these drugs after getting complaints about the product as having musty or mildew&hellip

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Why do Balloons deflate?

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Why do Balloons deflate? The latex and Mylar balloons will get deflated with time if they are not treated chemically at the outer surface to stop the internal gas from coming out of the balloon.&hellip

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Why do Painters wear white?

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Why do Painters wear white? Painters generally are observed as wearing white clothes and this practice is followed by most of the painters. There are various theories that were talked about regarding the white clothes&hellip

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Why do Wars start?

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Why do Wars start? Wars occur due to economic, social and political reasons. Wars will have expected and unexpected outcomes. The wars primarily start when the leaders begin to think that what they think or&hellip

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Why is English important?

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Why is English important? English language is important as it is the common language that can help people all over the world to communicate with each other. English language is made compulsory in all the&hellip

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Why is Vuze slow?

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Why is Vuze slow? Vuze or Azureus is a torrent from the client side which can transfer files through bit torrent protocol. Vuze is prepared using Java and makes use of Azureus Engine. Vuze not&hellip

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Why is Smoking legal?

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Why is Smoking legal? Tobacco production and its marketing provide a source of income to most of the countries. When United States was colonized by the Europeans people did not have a little idea that&hellip

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Why is Space cold?

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Why is Space cold? It is the fact that any matter will have certain temperature which is obtained from the molecular speed. If the molecules are faster in the matter then the material becomes warm.&hellip

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Why do Sharks attack?

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Why do Sharks attack? Sharks attack the humans and it is reported that about 60 attacks by the shark occurred all over the world. Shark attacks are shown mostly in the series of Jaws”. Some&hellip

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Why do Warts bleed?

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Why do Warts bleed? Warts are minute painless growths on the skin which is caused by a virus known as human Papillomavirus (HPV). These viruses are not harmful. Warts appear in various different shapes and&hellip

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Why do guinea pigs bite?

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Why do guinea pigs bite? 1.  They bite because they want to communicate something.  Since they can’t talk, the only thing to send a message is biting. If they don’t like how they are held,&hellip

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Why Was xhtml Created?

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Why Was xhtml Created? XHTML was started to remove the old syntax used in HTML which is dependent on standard generalized markup language (SGML). SGML was not easy for the computers to read and manipulate&hellip

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Why was Massachusetts founded?

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Why was Massachusetts founded? A group of English people wanted to establish a colony in 1607 at Northern Virginia region. A colony existed in today’s Maine and was named after the then leader George Popham.&hellip

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Why is Oscillatoria green?

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Why is Oscillatoria green? Oscillatoria is the name of the genus in the group of cyanobacteria that are filamentous in shape. The name Oscillatoria has come based on its type of locomotion which is oscillation.&hellip

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Why should Animals have rights?

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Why should Animals have rights? Animals also have a role in the human society. In the beginning stages of civilization, animals were killed for getting food. As the civilization progressed the skin of animals were&hellip

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Why is Windows so popular?

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Why Windows is so popular? In earlier days, MS-DOS was used as default operating system for IBM-PCs. The personal computers made by IBM were provided with de facto MS-DOS both for business as well as&hellip

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Why is Otzi special?

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Why is Otzi special? A German couple, who were climbing the Alps Mountains in the year 1991 and in the month of September, could identify a human corpse buried in the ice. They saw the&hellip

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