Monthly Archives For March 2011

Why is Othello vulnerable?

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Why is Othello vulnerable? Othello is one of the famous tragic plays written by William Shakespeare along with Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Anthony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus. Othello was written around 1603&hellip

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Why is Helen Keller famous?

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Why is Helen Keller famous? Helen Adams Keller is famous as the blind and deaf American woman who was notable for being a successful author, lecturer, political activist, a world traveller, and the first deaf-blind&hellip

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Why do Girls like jerk?


Why do Girls like jerk? It’s quite a surprise why some girls like jerks rather than too-good-to-be-true guys. Let’s define first what a jerk is. It is actually a term coined in modern generation. Jerk&hellip

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Why should pot be legalized?

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Why should pot be legalized? It is a common knowledge that pot” is illegal for many reasons, and mostly because it endangers an individual’s health and sometimes linked to heinous crimes. However, there are other&hellip

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Why is Orientation important?

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Why is Orientation important? In every organization or group, there should be an orientation to welcome new members. This is important because it is the first step to take before embracing the responsibilities. In school,&hellip

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Why is Nike called Nike?

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Why is Nike called Nike? When talking about shoes, there’s one name which marks in our mind. ‒ Nike. Nike is one of the most famous shoe brands known for its logo The Swoosh”. Nike&hellip

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Why do Feet hurt?

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Why do Feet hurt? Our feet are one of the most useful parts of our body but we pay little attention to it. Sometimes, we neglect our feet even if these sore already. But why&hellip

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Why is Dally a hero?

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Why is Dally a hero? Dallas Dally” Winston is one of the main characters created by Susan Eloise Hinton in her novel titled The Outsiders” (1967). The novel is viewed to be one of the&hellip

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Why do Cats like catnip?

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Why do Cats like catnip? Catnip is an herb native to Europe and Asia. It is a member of Mint Family with its official name Nepeta Cataria. Its active ingredient is Nepetalactone which attracts cats.&hellip

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Why is Spelling important?

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Why is Spelling important? With the advances in technology, spelling as a part of many people’s language skills is often neglected. Here are five reasons why spelling is important. It can be the basis of&hellip

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Why is NCLB good?

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Why is NCLB good? The implementation of No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) created a great impact in to American Education. This law gives educational assistance to poor children as long as certain requirements are&hellip

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Why is Honor important?

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Why is Honor important? Honor is synonymous to glory, respect, and distinction. This is a reward after accomplishing something successful. Honor boosts our self-esteem. It can give us more privileges and opportunities. Honor is a&hellip

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Why is Nyquil bad?

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Why is Nyquil bad? Nyquil is a popular brand of an over the counter medicine usually taken to relieve common cold symptoms. It is considered safe as long as taken in moderation and based on&hellip

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Why is Snow cold?

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Why is Snow cold? In other parts of the world, rain is in the form of snow. Snow is frozen water that’s why it is solid. Snow is cold because it is formed in a&hellip

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Why is NBA elite delayed?

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Why is NBA elite delayed? NBA is considered to be the most famous basketball league in the world and with this, NBA video games were also created. The video games were called NBA Live and&hellip

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Why is Symbolism important?

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Why is Symbolism important? When we like to communicate with others through small messages, we tend to make use of symbols. To communicate with others we need to formulate our thoughts into sentences by using&hellip

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Why was Connecticut founded?

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Why was Connecticut founded? The Connecticut was an English colony situated in British America and later became the Connecticut state of United States. Initially the English colony was called as River Colony and later in&hellip

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Why do Landslides occur?

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Why do Landslides occur? When there is a heavy rain and the ground becomes water logged, the land will not be able to hold water anymore. This state of the land gets converted into landslide.&hellip

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Why do Tectonic plates move?

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Why do Tectonic plates move? Tectonic plates comprise of crust and upper mantle rock. The upper mantle rock is less dense than the denser mantle. The increase and decrease of convection currents in the mantle&hellip

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Why is Homeostasis important?

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Why is Homeostasis important? Homeostasis is the phenomenon which is carried out in the human body to maintain the constant internal environment. Homeostasis is an automatic process which will take care of the temperature and&hellip

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Why do Plants need sunlight?

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Why do Plants need sunlight? Plants prepare their own food and do not depend on others for food. Hence, plants are known as autotrophs and they survive without eating other organisms. The process with which&hellip

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Why is Racism bad?

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Why is Racism bad? Every human being in this world is born with a common body type. If people are born with different skin color or born in different social groups the purpose or goal&hellip

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Why is Typing important?

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Why is Typing important? The world is moving forward with rapid improvement in new technologies. The usage of computer s has become almost necessary and knowledge in computers has become inevitable. As the new gadgets&hellip

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Why do Addicts crave sugar?

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Why do Addicts crave sugar? There is an opinion among some people that drug addicts crave for sugar as they already experienced it while taking alcohol. They would prefer to have sugar directly, as they&hellip

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Why do Groups form?

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Why do Groups form? Achieving something individually is not very easy for any one. Working in groups will make the people to organize the plans effectively and successfully. Groups will alter the organization plans and&hellip

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Why do Magnets attract?

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Why do Magnets attract? Magnets are the only objects that can have control on other objects without having contact with them. If a magnet is kept closer to another object, it will either repel or&hellip

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Why do Underarms sweat?

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Why do Underarms sweat? Hyperhidrosis is otherwise known as excessive sweating. This is a common disorder that causes excessive discomfort to the people. Sweating under the arms is called as Axillary Hyperhidrosis and this is&hellip

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