Posts By Hari M

Why do Fingers prune?

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Why do Fingers prune? Dermatologists give many reasons for skin wrinkles. According to them, the outer layer of the skin called as epidermis is made up of unique type of cells called as keratinocytes. This&hellip

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Why do Mullet jump?

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Why do Mullet jump? Mullets leap or jump from waters. Leaping is of two types where one type is to avoid the predators while the other is to respire aerially. If the mullet leaps to&hellip

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Why do Latinos join gangs?

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Why do Latinos join gangs? One of the Hispanic street gangs that were started long back in United States was called as The Almighty Latin King and queen nation”. It was a large and effective&hellip

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Why is Limestone important?

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Why is Limestone important? Limestone is a sedimentary rock that majorly consists of mineral calcite. The limestone might sometimes also consist of pure calcite which is otherwise called as calcium carbonate. Some of the lime&hellip

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Why is Venice under water?

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Why is Venice under water? The historic city of Venice was under waters in the November, 2009 due to a meteorological depression along with natural tide waters. The center that monitors the tides was saying&hellip

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Why do Ants like sugar?

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Why do Ants like sugar? It is estimated that there are around 20000 species of ants in the world. They inhabit in ecological niches which makes them to act as predators, herbivores, leaf-cutters, seed-harvesters, fungus&hellip

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Why do Neutered Dogs hump?

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Why do Neutered Dogs hump? Humping is a sign of showing sexual behavior by the dogs. Humping can also be considered as signaling power and rank. Dogs hump so that they are directed towards the&hellip

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Why is Boiling point important?

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Why is Boiling point important? Boiling point is one of the physical properties of the chemical compound. Each chemical compound will have a specific boiling point. It is the temperature at which the liquid changes&hellip

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Why is Accreditation important?

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Why is Accreditation important? Accreditation is the method introduced by Americans. United States is known to have most popular Universities in the World. America also has the most vigorous system of education which is of&hellip

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Why do Spiders Spin Webs?

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Why do Spiders Spin Webs? Spiders are special bugs that have eight legs and its body will be divided into two parts called head and abdomen. The spiders apart from having 8 legs also possess&hellip

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Why is Iran dangerous?

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Why is Iran dangerous? In one of the press releases reported in 2009 May, the Israeli deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Shimon Peres was telling about the Iran. He was talking to the Anti-Defamation league members&hellip

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Why is Typography important?

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Why is Typography important? Typography means writing or typing a document in effective manner. The typing is arranged in an attractive manner. Typography can be carried out using the factors like typefaces, line length, type&hellip

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Why is Perception important?

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Why is Perception important? When we make our thinking abilities to connect to the world some sources of energies are involved that influence our thoughts. They can be good or bad energy sources. These sources&hellip

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Why is Pele famous?

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Why is Pele famous? Brazil is known for representing the country where soccer has originated. Brazil has given birth to a great football player of all time in the year 1940. He is none other&hellip

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Why is Dairy important?

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Why is Dairy important? Dairy food is important in the diet of an individual. The dairy food includes yoghurt, milk, cheese which consists of calcium, protein, and carbohydrates that are essential for good health. The&hellip

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Why do Toes Curl?

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Why do Toes Curl? Curling of toes is generally observed when anyone is satisfied with the work he has performed. If the body has experienced a sense of joy and has started to relax very&hellip

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Why is Acetone Polar?

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Why is Acetone Polar? Solvents are basically categorized as polar and non-polar. The polarity of a solvent can be determined approximately by the dielectric constant of it. The polarity of water is determined by its&hellip

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Why is Sociology important?

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Why is Sociology important? The study of society and behavior of the humans is called as sociology. The types of human behavior, the reasons for them and predicting the future patterns of behavior in the&hellip

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Why is Dance important?

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Why is Dance important? Dance is an art by which everyone can express the emotions. Among all other artists, dancers were found to be defending the choice of their career. They also must fight for&hellip

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Why is Aphrodite important?

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Why is Aphrodite important? Aphrodite is the goddess for beauty. Aphrodite goddess was asked for beauty by the people and to help them in troubles. Aphrodite is goddess of love, pleasure and progeny which are&hellip

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Why is Texting good?

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Why is Texting good? Texting is also called as text messaging or wireless messaging. It is sending short text messages between cell phones, handheld services and pagers. Messages are sent by short message service or&hellip

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Why is INR high?

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INR stands for international normalized ratio. INR is a test in the laboratory that can evaluate the time required for clotting of the blood. This measurement was compared with the average value. Knowing the INR&hellip

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Why is Gemini twins?

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Why is Gemini twins? Gemini is the sun sign also called as the twins. This name called the twins was given to these stars as they lie as dominant stars among the constellation of Gemini.&hellip

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Why is vanadium important?

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Why is vanadium important? Vanadium is a transition metal belonging to group VB in the periodic table. It has symbol as ‘V’ and has atomic number as 23. Its atomic mass is 50.9415. This metal&hellip

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